Chapter 2

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Still Phil's POV

I slowly woke up around 10AM and rubbed my eyes desperately trying to wake up. I see a tall blur crash through my bedroom door "Come on Phil! Lets make some freaking pancakes!" Oh, it's Dan. I softly giggle as I grab for my glasses on my bedside table and put them on. "Hello Mr.Hobbit hair" I quietly whisper to myself. "Phil I know you're still in lala land but you gotta speak up and wake up so we can make some pancakes! Whoo! yea!" he said enthusiastically. "No, too tired.." and I pulled the blankets over my head and turned away. That didn't last long. Dan pulled off my duvet and I squealed at the cold. Because I was uh, in my pajamas. I curled up in a ball as Dan ran into the lower living room with my duvet laughing his British butt off. "Dan! Give me my duvet back!" "Come and get it lazy bones!" he said still laughing. "Fine then" I smirked as ran downstairs with my pajamas and tackled Dan and started tickling him after a minute or so I just looked into his stunning hazel eyes as he stared into mine, then looked away before he thought I was a creep and got off of him. "I'm gonna get dressed, I'll be back down in a minute." I turned and went back up to my room. 'Nice job you freaking idiot! You almost blew your cover!' I said in my head. I needed to be more careful.

Dan's POV

Those eyes. Those blue with a hint of yellow in them. They say so much about him, what he went through in his past, all that pain, but also love? and pure bliss? am I over analyzing? Probably, he would never want me anyway. I'm Dan. Who would ever want Dan? There is absolutely nothing special about me expect the fact that i'm Bi. Phil knows that, I think. I was in the middle of beating myself up again as I see Phil walk back into the lounge and everything negative floated away and the room got some much brighter. "Dan??" I heard Phil's sweet voice and his hand waved in front of my face. "Dan? You there?" he said again. I shook back into reality, "yea, sorry. Ready to make some pancakes?" I asked trying to hide my blush as I looked into his stunning blue eyes once again. "Yea definitely!" he said cheerfully as he headed for the kitchen as I followed.

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