Chapter 3

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Phil's POV

What if Heart eyes Howell was actually a real life thing? What if he actually had feelings for me? Am I crazy? These were the questions roaming around in my mind that I couldn't seem to get one simple conclusion to. Dan is getting out the ingredients from the cabinet and he goes on his tip toes, perfect time to look at that gorgeous ass of his... I start day dreaming then catch myself and snap back into reality before he notices. 

"Alright! Everything's all set! Lets make some pancakes!" He says enthusiastically. I smiled and nodded, to nervous to say anything , worried I might blush. Wow, I've known Dan for 10 years and now i'm nervous to speak, come on Phil. In a quick second all of the pancakes were finished and ready to eat, Dan's cooking has always been amazing. 

I had whipped cream and syrup to mine and Dan had powdered sugar and blueberries. Dan kept getting powdered sugar around his mouth and it looked like he had a mustache, he seemed really into it. Maybe like he is into me? Darn it Phil come on, maybe I should just stop thinking about the whole thing. Maybe it's just a stupid phase, I don't want to ruin anything.

Dan's POV

After pancakes, Phil and I sat and watched Black Butler for a few hours, we didn't get bored we just had a few other things we wanted to get done. Phil helped me film a video and I helped him film one also. Before long it was 8 o'clock and we hadn't eaten much all day besides the pancakes. I threw Phil his jacket and I put mine on. "Where are we going? It's 8 o'clock Dan!" "Thank you for the observation Phil, but i'm hungry and to lazy to cook anything, So come on." "Alright fine. Do you have your wallet?" Phil asked while putting on his jacket and his shoes. "Yep, all covered." I said as we walked out of our flat and Phil locked the door. "Again, Where to?" Phil asked eagerly. "I dunno, what ever we run into." I asked starting to get a bit annoyed at the constant question.

 We ended up stopping at Abi's and we just got Burgers and Fries, Phil was craving Burgers again. We start eating our 'meals' on our way back to the flat since it was about a 10 minute walk. By the time we got back our tummy's were filled and and we threw away our waste in the bin outside. It was only about 8:30 so we just sat around doing nothing really. Well I was on Tumblr scrolling, I wasn't sure what Phil was doing at the moment, Probably editing.

 Well I was right, around 9:45 pm Phil was asleep at the office desk. He was so cute when he was sleeping, I couldn't handle it.  I picked him up and carried him downstairs successfully to his room and down in his bed. I slipped off his glasses gently, put them on his nightstand and tucked him in. I was feeling super confident at the moment, so when I knew for certain he was asleep I slowly went in a pecked him super softly on his cheek. His cheeks were so soft and even though it wasn't his lips I could tell there was something there. There just had to be right? I walked towards the door blushing and shut the door super softly "Night Phil..." I whispered from outside his bedroom. I headed to my room and softly shut the door and got into my sleeping wear and crawled in, smiling to my hearts content.

Phil's POV

As soon as I heard Dan shut my bedroom door, I opened my eyes and almost started crying from happiness. I felt and heard everything. It was amazing.

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