Chapter 1

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Dan's POV

It's currently 12 AM here, I don't know where Phil is. He just left about 2 hours ago and said he would be back later. I can't sleep, I just need to know that he is ok, it's dangerous in London at night time especially this late. I hear the front door shut and I let out a sigh of relief, I hear Phil's obnoxiously loud foot steps head towards my room and I quickly pretend to be asleep.

He opens the door and quietly whispers "Dan? Dan?" I slowly open my eyes for dramatic affect and act groggy. "Yes Phil?" I dramatically look over at my clock, "Why are you in my room at 12 PM  exactly?" "Just wanted to check on you, and tell you I was alright." He smiled. I love that smile, I mentally slapped myself. No Daniel you can't think like that you can't afford to lose the love of your li- I mean Phil. "Thanks." I said as Phil shut the door and proceeded to his room.

Phil's POV

I was out in town to clear my mind of everything that was going on in my head. I didn't know if I should be upset or angry or what emotion I should be feeling at the moment. Dan and I's friendship will be 10 years strong in about a month. I was really proud of that, but part of me wanted something more??? Like I said, I didn't know what to think of this. Did I want Dan in that aspect? Is that why it never worked out with Becky? I mean that was like a 2 year old relationship I had with her, but I was never quite happy... Well that whole thing ended about a year ago. It's just been me and Dan since then. I am ALWAYS happy with him, no matter the circumstance. I was finally back home and It ended up being 12 AM, I was gone for 2 hours? And still no solution, great. I went to check on Dan then went to lay down. Still thinking of the problem at hand.

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