Chapter 4

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Phil's POV

I woke up about 7:35 AM, I only have 7 and a half hours of sleep to run on today. Great. I rolled over and grabbed my glasses and walked out into the lounge to see if Dan was awake yet, as I figured he wasn't. I turned on the coffee machine and got out 2 bowls and 2 spoons, then our favorite cereals. I always wait for Dan to get up to eat breakfast, just a tradition since we moved to London I guess. Then all memories from last night came flooding back and I was smiling to my hearts content. I decided that i'm going to not tell him I knew about it though, I'm gonna wait till he tells me. Before I could fully finish my thought Mr.Beautiful came out out his bedroom and into the kitchen, also known as Daniel James Howell. "Morning" He said groggily, he looked up to me and smiled. "I prepared breakfast!" I said excitedly. "Phil, it's cereal" Dan started laughing softly "It's still breakfast so shush it" I poured my cereal and my milk and walked towards the kitchen table and sat down, waiting patiently for Dan to come join me.

Dan's POV

I was up till 3 AM thinking about what I did, I didn't want to ruin anything of course. In that 5 hours or so of thinking, I only got a few things straight. One, I'm not straight, Bi maybe? Two, I accepted my feelings for Phil. Now I just had to figure out what I was gonna do. I can't just go up to him and just be like "Hey! I like you! Like me back!" that's not how things work. He would think I was some type of a freak! I couldn't really look him in the eye or his face at all cause I didn't want to blush to much. 

"Hey Dan?" Phil asked. Bloody hell now I have to look at his face, " Yea?" I sipped on my coffee. "What happened last night? Did you carry me from the office?" He asked with his wonderful Blue eyes sparkling. I swear my heart stopped for a second, no, no, I can't tell him, not yet. Does he know! Was he not fully asleep?! "Uh yea, you fell asleep editing so I carried you down to your room so your wouldn't hurt yourself, sleepwalking and all." I said trying to keep my calm, even though I wasn't calm, I was not one once of calm at this moment. "Oh, thanks." Phil looked away almost like he was upset. He knows. I know he knows. "Is there something wrong?" I asked cautiously. "No" He looked back at me and smiled, but It was a fake smile and I knew it. "Are you sure?" I asked once again. "Yea, yea, guess I just had an amazing dream that I thought was real" His eyes were even more blue now, like he was threatening to cry. "Could you clean up please? I'm gonna go shower, yea, shower" Phil turned away and headed to the bathroom. 

I did as I was told and went up to the office to set up the equipment to play Sims 4, that always seemed to make him feel better oddly. When I was done with that I went to his bedroom and set out some clothes for him and got him mix - matched socks out of his drawers. I went and knocked on the bathroom door, "Phil, are you okay??? You have been in there for quite awhile." I asked concerned. "Yea, I'm - I'm fine, Be out in a minute" He responded. "Okay, I set out some clothes on your bed for you. Meet me in the office when your done." I walked away from the door and went back to the office and decided to watch what Phil was editing, it was yet another Day in the Life of Dan and Phil. When I was done with that, I saw there was one thing left in his drafts. Which is weird because he always deletes the videos once he posts them, I clicked on it. 

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