Chapter 16

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A/N: Sorry this has taken me so long to upload!! :/ Anyway here it is now though :) I hope you like it!! Keep voting/commenting etc. and I love you all!!!! <3 <3 xx

Update: So happy to see people still reading! Lots of love x 


By some great miracle, Glimmer didn't die. 

She was ill for a day or so, slipping in and out of consciousness, leaving Marvel fraught with worry. He never left her side, not even to sleep. Eventually, she began spending more time awake than asleep, and right now is such a time. She's lying on his chest, the two of them speaking in hushed voices over by the lake. All Cato and I hear are interjected giggles and electric looks that they share. 

And I'm not happy about it. I mean, obviously I'm happy for them. In fact, their rekindled love seems to have given our group a shared purpose, and the dull heaviness that was previously hanging over us in these Games has been replaced by gentle contentment. However, that's not the case for me. Cato has barely said a word to me, and we're being left alone in each other's company more and more. It's awkward and uncomfortable, and I spend the whole time switching between wondering if I should make conversation, wondering if he even wants to, and counting down the minutes until either Glimmer or Marvel comes to relieve us. 

It annoys me, too. That Cato seemed so set on me before, always pushing to chat and hang out with me, wanting to spend time together, to find out things about me, to simply sit and be with me. I've spent the whole duration of the Games so far wondering what changed. Was it our argument the night before the arena, that scared him off? Or is it worse than that? Did Cato ever care, or was he only passing time until he had to play the vicious Career for the cameras?

"Do you think we should split those two up any time soon, and go hunting?" He asks, breaking the silence. I try to push the thoughts I was having out of my mind. Those thoughts won't help me survive. 

"Maybe," I mumble, without making eye contact. I'm slumped on the floor next to our mound of supplies, my head on a backpack and my brow furrowed in the sunlight. 

"Okay, so I'll make the decisions, then. I'm just saying, if we don't do something the Gamemakers will, to make this more interesting," he snaps. 

How in God's name have I offended him now? I roll my eyes, feeling mild frustration creeping in. 

"Yeah, fine, I know," I answer shortly. "Go and tell them, then." 

"What's up with you? Honestly. I'm sick of this." 

That makes me sit up, squint angrily at him in the light, and cross my arms defiantly. Here we go, a voice in my head pipes sarcastically. He's so fucking moody, he's ready to turn anything I say into an issue. 

"What do you mean, what's up with me? Leave me alone. You want to hunt, we can hunt, I don't care." 

"You'll care if they light the arena on fire again." 

"Oh, shut up," I say sarcastically, and he knows it's not friendly. 

"I'm serious. You know, they're back together now," he says, pointing at Glimmer and Marvel. "So you actually have to speak to me sometime soon. I don't want it to be like this, but it will be if we don't talk about it. I dunno what I did to piss you off so much, but the least you could do is tell me, and stop being such an ass about it." 

"Don't call me an ass," I grumble. 

"I'm being serious!" He almost shouts, making me jump. 

I want to bury my head in my hands and scream until all the anger I have for him is let out. It's infuriating that I have to behave myself for the Capitol, it's infuriating that my District partner is this prick and not somebody normal like Marvel or Glimmer, and it's even more infuriating that I seem to care about it all. I seem to care a little too much. 

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