Chapter 10

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Raptor could feel someone's head resting on her shoulder as she blinked awake. She groaned and stared at Pietro's sleeping form, his own bloody wounds were bandaged and his breathing was faint.

"He's so weak..." She thought as she nuzzled his face with her snout.

Raptor then turned her head to his clawed torso. And would be so easy to kill.

"No! He saved me."

Did he? I remember fighting and dragging him back to the jet after I escaped on my own. I don't owe him anything. If he wants to save me then he'll become food. Raptor showed her teeth slightly as she felt the pulse in Pietro's neck.

She then jerked back and looked away. "I can't... He's been so kind, he's mine to protect."

He's mine to kill.

"Never." She felt pain rushing through her skull and gave a growling cry of pain.

"Raptor?" Pietro's sleepy voice turned clear and concerned as he woke up faster. "Raptor, what's wrong? I'll get... uh... I'll get Vision!"

She saw him limp out of the room clutching his bandaged gut; by the time he came back she was almost unconscious again. Raptor winced in pain as Vision examined her wounds before staring back at Pietro.

"What's wrong with her?" She could see the pain of worry in his gaze.

Vision ran his hand over her worst wounds. "She's dying."

"No!" Pietro clenched his good hand into a fist. "I just got her back! I'm not losing her! Do something!"

"Everyone is doing everything they can." Vision assured him.

Raptor closed her eyes and gave a choppy sigh, she felt like her mind was frying. Despite the rest and medical treatment she didn't feel better... Vision was right; she was dying. The pain was only increasing and she wanted to claw her skull from the agony. Blinking her eyes open again, Raptor stared at Pietro's broken features. He was staring at her but not seeming to see her as what Vision said sank in deeper... a moment later he dropped back onto the bed at her side and carefully held her against him with one arm.

"Fight." He told her. "Fight to survive... For me."

"Always." She thought, wishing she had the strength to shift and comfort him through words.

Instead she rested her head in the crook of his neck and allowed herself to fade off into sleep. Not even a minute later however, she was woken up by Wanda's voice shouting at her as she ran into the room.

"Don't go to sleep!" Wanda commanded as Tony and Rhodey walked into the room.

Raptor glared at her and growled before feeling a needle go into her skin, an instant later her body went numb though she was still awake. I'll kill whoever injected me with that! What are they doing?

Pietro moved out of their way but stayed close enough to rub her muzzle in comfort. "They're going to help you, Bucky told us what Skull did and Tony thinks he can fix it, with Rhodey's help of course. You'll be back on your feet soon."

"This only has a fifty percent chance of success." Tony was looking at Pietro when he spoke. "She will feel all the pain of it too, we can't risk doing any more than numbing her body slightly."

"What happens if it doesn't succeed?" She felt Pietro place a hand on her head; the cool touch dulled the pain slightly for a few seconds.

"She dies faster." Tony turned his gaze to her now. "If we don't do this now you'll die too."

"Stop talking and get it over with..." She gave him a pleading look before returning to staring at Pietro. "Stay with me."

Wanda walked into her line of sight and whispered something into his ear before giving her a nod. Raptor concluded that Wanda had read her mind, something that was backed up by the fact Pietro shifted closer.

"It'll be over before you know it." Rhodey encouraged.

Tony didn't say anything else other than to give one last command. "Everyone not needed should get out. I have to focus and can't have anyone getting in the way."

"I'm staying." Pietro spoke up, jerking Raptor awake again at the sound of his voice. "I won't leave her again."

"Staying could put her in danger if I can't move around fast enough." Tony replied.

"I need to stay." He responded stubbornly. "Besides I could- I could keep her awake."

Rhodey gave him a sympathetic look before turning to Tony. "He has a point. We can't work and keep her awake, let him stay."

Tony stared for a few seconds before giving a stiff reply. "Fine."

Raptor felt Pietro kneel down beside her and rest his head against hers. "I'll be right here Raptor. Just keep your eyes on mine and ignore the pain."

She stared at him before giving a small nod, something that the shot barely permitted her to do. "Of course."

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