Chapter 14

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"Skull has shown himself just off the coast of Alaska, now as far as the satilites show us, he has a new base there and is preparing for another attack." Steve informed them as they stood or sat around the meeting table. "This means we have the upper hand to attack him now, before he's prepared again."

"And what if this is another trap?" Bucky spoke up from where he stood near the door, still a bit uncomfortable around the heroes. "I am not getting captured a third time. I'm not going to be HYRDRA's slave anymore."

Raptor locked eyes with him as he shot a glance at her, nodding she spoke up in his favor as well. "They have updated versions on Project Extinction, you saw what happened last time and I've witnessed their growth rate and brutality first hand. If Skull has more already we need more fighters on our side. Going there now will get us all killed or turned into slaves of HYDRA."

"We know what we're up against this time." Rhodey spoke confidently. "Even if he made more of those monsters we can take them down, right Tony? Remember fighting all of those War Machine robots Hammer built? It was just the two of us against an army and we still won."

"Robots are different than living creatures." Raptor pressed. "They don't feel the desperation of being cornered, the anger of someone standing in the way of their goals, do you really think we'll win against them?"

"Yes." Rhodey retorted. "Because unlike you I believe in this team to back me up and help when I need it."

"Hey, I'm still here aren't I?" Raptor snarled and felt Pietro pull her back a bit as her teeth sharpened slightly and her nails lengthened into the start of claws.

Tony was giving her a look before finally turning towards Steve. "Let's do this, the sooner I can leave the better. Pepper is probably starting to think I'm dead as it is."

"You called her earlier, she knows you're fine." Sam responded.

"She'll kill me!" Tony exclaimed dramatically.

Steve cleared his throat to regain their attention. "As I was saying. We are attacking Red Skull and his cronies while he is organizing his plans and new base. We should get there by tonight if you suit up quickly and once there I need you to follow my lead. I found the back entrance and will lead you to it."

"We don't know anything about the interior though." Wanda pointed out with a frown. "Once inside we'll be at their mercy."

"Then we draw them out." Pietro said with a smirk as the idea formed. "They want the Winter Soldier and Raptor... let's give them up."

Bucky tensed and glared at the speedster. "What if I refuse?"

"We won't let them hurt either of you." Pietro assured the man. "We just need you to help draw them out... with a fight or something."

"Skull hates Cap, what if we can set up a fight between Raptor, Bucky, and Cap to draw them into the open?" Sam asked as he thought over the idea.

Steve gave an approving nod. "Good thinking. Bucky, please, we need your help."

Bucky hesitated before glancing at Raptor. "You were there, if they catch us again... Is it worth the risk?"

Raptor glared at Steve. "We are going to our deaths but... if we can get them onto ground we can fight on equally, then we should take the chance."

"I'll help with this." Bucky agreed after a few more seconds. "But after that I'm out. I'm no hero Steve, I know we were friends once but we are both different now... I don't know half of who I am, I need to figure it out on my own still."

"Then suit up!" Steve commanded as he grabbed his shield and headed for the flight deck. "You have five minutes team!"

Raptor waited by the ship with Bucky and Steve as they waited for the others. They of course had to discuss just how their plan to lure out Red Skull and the others would go down without any serious injuries before the real fight began. Steve of course would be the one with the disadvantage but he didn't seem too concerned about it.

"What happens if they take to long?" She questioned. "Perhaps they'll wait to see which of us wins."

"If that's the case then I'll go down first and pretend to be wounded." Steve responded. "And then you two can turn on each other, considering Red Skull wants both of you alive a doubt he'll wait any longer."

"He won't fall for this." Bucky shook his head. "You would have to be bled out completely before he believed for one second you were truly dead."

"Then let's hope it won't come to that." Steve replied. "And if it does, make it so they can't see my body. There are rocks and trees around the area, if you can get some to fall on me I'll be able to use my shield as protection and still manage to look like I failed to save myself."

Raptor nodded, there didn't seem to be a good way to go about any of this. "Alright."

Bucky glanced at her again before nodding in agreement as well.

"Good." Steve walked onto the ship as the others started walking in. "Let's get going, we can't wait forever."

Bucky followed after his old friend. "I have a bad feeling about this."

Raptor didn't blame him. This was where she was going to die most likely, especially if Loki went back on his deal... well that or if the other Avengers thought she was actually betraying them. Either way, most of these people would probably never trust her again so did living actually matter?

"As long as I save them, right?" She thought as she sat in the seat and leaned back.

Raptor's voice growled in agreement. Right.

Sorry for the long break between updates I had writer's block and was then distracted by other stories but I'm already working to break up the writer's block and finishing this! I plan to have a book 3 based off Civil War (once I finally see it) but would like to know if you'd actually be interested in a book 3 or not so please comment! :D

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