Chapter 5

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It was so dark and oddly cold but the farther down she went the warmer it became. The longer she walked the more the darkness seemed to press down on her like a smothering blanket. Screams of both angry and pain came from unseen people around her. Finally one shadow took form from the darkness around her, a woman. The woman had long dark black hair and eyes that pierced her soul; Raptor would've described the woman as pretty if half of her body hadn't been made from rotten flesh and bone.

"Welcome to Helheim." The woman's voice sounded like nails on a chalkboard. "I am Hela, daughter of Loki and queen of the dead. From now on you will serve me and only me."

Raptor stopped walking and tried to back away, she didn't like this woman, she reeked of death and hatred, but her back pressed up against a wall that had blocked her path. With a sickened feeling she could feel the rotting skulls that made it up, firelight grew brighter as Hela came closer and Raptor could see the ground was made up of skeletons of people and monsters alike. Everything here was rotting and those that weren't dead sounded like they wished they were.

"I serve no one." Raptor dodged away from Hela.

The queen of death frowned and narrowed her eyes at her in anger. "You have no choice! You will serve me or spend the rest of your eternity in flames!"

"Hela!" A male's voice shouted and Hela whirled around with a scowl, as an apparition of Loki appeared walking towards them. "I have a bargain for you!"

"For what exactly... Father?" Hela growled.

"Her soul." He gestured to Raptor, who narrowed her eyes at him. Why would he be trying to save her?

"And what will you give in return for her soul?" She asked as she walked around the slightly flickering image.

"How about the souls of three mortals?" Loki watched her carefully. "One of them is a powerful magician, you could use him well. The other two are notorious for their brains and power."

"A tempting offer..." Hela shot a glance at Raptor as she stopped her pacing. "All of them for one soul? Why such a good bargain?"

"I say it was even, I get the beast's soul and life back and once I betray those mortals with a dagger to their backs you'll get your end of the bargain."

"Beast, come here!" Hela shouted.

Raptor glared at her but walked over and stood between them. "What?"

"You have seen the mortals he speaks of, they are worth more than you when combined, for now I will release you back to the world of the living..." Her form and the land around flickered a bit. "...Until we meet again."

The world became black again, slowly the numbness faded and agonizing pain filled her along with the sound of voices and scent of blood. She tried moving but found that was still impossible and only made the pain feel worse, deciding not to possibly injure herself more, she listened to the conversation.

"...Project R-1 is now complete." Skull's voice came from behind her.

"But sir she's unstable... die..." Hammer's voice faded in and out of focus.

Something creaked beside her and a new voice joined in. "She's alive."

"...The others... now they'll be finished..." Red Skull's footsteps left the room.

Raptor flinched as a sharp object went into her head but still couldn't find the strength to move and attack whoever held it. The villains shuffled around the room, she couldn't even open her eyes to see what room, and a few more pricks of pain went through her before someone picked her up and carried her somewhere else. Wherever they took her it was cold and she felt uneasy as their footsteps echoed lightly over a cement floor. She didn't want to be locked up by HYDRA or anyone else again.

"The drugs will wear off in a few hours." Loki spoke softly, like he didn't want the others to hear. "You owe me for what I did. They all think that Baron did it, necromancy spells won't sway Hela, but let those foolish mortals think what they want. When I chose to end this you will help me."

Raptor mentally shivered at what he said, she had actually been dead, that wasn't just some strange dream. What would her friends think? Then again where were they? Had Skull and the others captured them or had them killed? She took in a shaky breath and finally managed to open her eyes in the dark room, a small square window on the door was her only sense of light. Another thought came to her as she slowly began to regain movement, how long had she been dead? Dread settled in her, what if the Avengers didn't come looking for her because of it? A growl rose up in her throat, she refused to be stuck here to rot, as soon as she regained her strength she would fight her way out with or without help from the Avengers.

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