Chapter 13

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Raptor woke up at a crack of light entering the room as the door was opened. A growl rose in her throat as she lifted up her head and watched as Tony came into the room, her growl deepened and she curled tighter around Pietro's sleeping form... She still hadn't forgive the man for locking her up and threatening to kill her, it didn't matter if he just saved his life, she wanted to rip that arrogant head off his body.

"Easy Fido, wouldn't want to bite an ally now would you?" Tony joked, his eyes gleaming with their usual arrogance.

Fido! Fido! That is a dog's name! Raptor raged and she stood up, lashing her tail and baring her teeth. How dare he! I will tear him to pieces and shove them down his own throat until he chokes on his own flesh! Even then it would be too good for him!

The fury racing through Raptor's mind startled her and she fought to take control, or at least calm her fiercer side down. "He helped us, sure he's not the best person in the world but you can't just kill him! We need his help to stop Skull and the others."

He did nothing. I died, we died; I owe that man nothing. Rapter took a pace forward and jumped to the floor, behind her Pietro stirred. Out of everyone who could be my ally... he would never be. I would join Loki before I trust Stark.

"Don't say that! Loki is a trickster, we can't even trust him not to allow Hela to take our soul back after helping his escape." She forced Raptor to stop moving, though her control was waning against the dinosaur's anger. "Raptor stop! This isn't you, we changed, no more killing unless there's a good reason."

"In your opinion." Raptor snarled out loud and prepared to attack Tony, who was backing up.

"Raptor?" Tony gave a smirk. "That was a joke, look, the others are ready with a plan... They wanted someone to come find you."

"Leave him." She urged.

Pietro came to her side and Raptor narrowed her eyes at him. "Is something wrong? Stark, what did you do?"

"Hey I didn't do anything! Grumpy over there doesn't like waking up apparently!" Tony backed up again as Raptor growled and took another step forward.

"Raptor, stop!" Pietro blocked her path and gave her a confused expression. "Stark, did the procedure do something to her?"

"No." Tony replied quickly as he moved farther out of Raptor's reach. "She should be fine."

"Skull could've done something..." Pietro reasoned to himself.

"Or Loki." She thought distrustfully. "But he's not in our head... I would sense him right?"

Of course we would! Raptor huffed as she glared down at Pietro. Why is he stopping me? He hates Stark just as much.

"Raptor calm down, whatever he did, he doesn't mean it." Pietro place a hand on her arm and she gave a sound of annoyance before shaking herself and relaxing. "We should go hear the plan now, yes?"

Raptor reluctantly shifted forms and allowed her tamer side to take over, which she did so in relief. "Yeah, let's go... Don't wake her up again Tony; I don't know how much reasoning I can do with her... Like she relapsed or something..."

"Are you okay though?" Pietro asked as they started walking, allowing Tony to get ahead. "Your, uh, other self was acting strange."

"I'm fine, we're fine." She replied and felt Raptor grumbling about Tony in the back of her mind.

He didn't seem content with her answer and frowned slightly before nodding, though he did wrap his arm around her. "You would tell if something was wrong though yes? Before something bad did happen?"

"Of course I would." Raptor told him honestly as both halves came to the agreement of his plea. "If I didn't it would probably mean my death."

"I wouldn't let it come to that." Pietro disagreed instantly.

She glanced at him. "Not even if Raptor decided to kill you?"

"I believe you can control the bloodlust..." He shot her a caring look. "I do not believe that situation will ever happen though. Not to anyone here, we are all... friends now, mostly."

"The others will not see any acts against them as nothing, they will want me punished or killed, no matter what you do to stop them." Her thoughts drifted back to Loki's deal and warning.

Pietro stopped half way down the hall to the meeting room to stare at her with worry. "Are you saying something? Do you plan on betraying us?"

Well, yes and no, she had to betray them to protect him. She had already heard whisperings of what he'd done after she'd been thought dead, if she died permanently... he would get worse. Raptor couldn't allow that. She also couldn't just tell him about Loki's deal.

The worry on his face increased due to her silence and Raptor spoke up reassuringly. "Of course not. I could never turn back on the Avengers... Especially not you; everyone here gave me a second chance. More like a fourth after my life before going extinct, being brought back by Strucker to work with him, and then pairing up with Ultron... I shouldn't have this many chances and I'm not about to mess it up for the world."

Pietro pulled her close with a content sigh, her words satisfying him. "Let us hope that Stark did not tell the others about what happened back there. I doubt the others would be willing to let you fight."

"He has a big mouth so I don't put it past him." Raptor muttered.

Someone cleared their throat and she pulled away from Pietro to see Rhodey staring at them from the doorway to the meeting room. "Are you two going to stand there like love sick idiots or are you going to listen to what Cap has to say?"

"We're coming." Pietro replied with slight coloring to his cheeks.

Raptor laughed a bit as she walked at his side, her hand staying in his. At least it seemed Tony hadn't told the others yet; she glanced at Pietro to see the same relieved look in his gaze. Neither of them wanted what had nearly happened to be known.

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