The Shire

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It was the middle of the day, Artemis was walking through one of the forests, the road a few feet to her left, her hand rested on the handle of her sword, her black hood drawn up around her face. Her hair was plaited down her back, as a single strand stayed perfectly diagonal across one eye as if it was a scar. Her brown boots were all that could be heard as the forest was silent.

She wore brown leather pants, and a gold and red corset styled top. (SHE LOOKS LIKE THE STORY COVER PIC). She never took her black and red gloves off her hands, especially not on her left hand were the burned red mark of a dragon sat on the palm of her hand slowly creeping up to her wrist. She stopped walking drawing her sword quickly, as her ears heard movement in the distance coming towards her.

She sniffed and recognized the scent as she sheathed her sword and waited before Gandalf appeared from the bushes behind her.

"Ah Artemis, you’re a hard girl to track" He teased as his horse was rather uncomfortable standing near Artemis. Gandalf never knew why animals were cautious or unhappy around her but he never asked as she took a step back, almost to try and convince the animal she meant no harm. But the horse could smell dragon and whined.

"I would like you to accompany me on a journey" He requested as she frowned slightly. Before she could say anything else.

"Please think about it. We are meeting at the Shire at the house of Bilbo Baggins." He asked as she paled.

"Gandalf. You know I don't travel on a night of a full moon" She hissed between her teeth. It was true, she would always disappear on a night of a full moon. He always thought it was a personal issue and refused to try and ask her again what she did. He tried asking one time and she ignored him for a full year. He sighed before an idea appeared in his head.

"Can't you arrive before the sun has gone down?" He asked her as she hesitated.

"I don’t know Gandalf but I will try" She whispered as he nodded and rode west. Artemis knew full well she wouldn't be able to make it to the Shire before nightfall. But she knew Gandalf wouldn't ask her if it wasn't so important as she began to run her way towards the Shire like her life depended on it.

It is nighttime. In Bag End, Bilbo prepares a dinner of fish; he settles down at his table, tucks a napkin in his collar, and begins sprinkling salt on his fish. Unbeknownst to him, the symbol on the door that Gandalf had placed early this morning begins to glow, and the shadow of a person appears on the door. Bilbo, in the middle of squeezing lemon juice on his fish, looks up in surprise as the doorbell rings. He frowns before he takes off his napkin placing it carefully beside his meal. He opens the door and finds a tall, bald dwarf on his doorstep. The dwarf greets him and bows slightly.

“Ah.” He asked unsure.

“Dwalin, at your service.” Dwalin spoke as he bowed to Bilbo. Shell-shocked, Bilbo lets out a noise like a whimper. Coming to his senses, he quickly ties his robe tighter and stands taller, although he is still confused as to why a dwarf would be at his house.

“Bilbo Baggins, at yours.” He asked as if he didn't know his own name as Dwalin walks inside without an invitation

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