37. "Friend"

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Cole was sitting on the edge of his bed, writing in what appeared a notebook. Everyone else in the Red House were asleep except for him.

"Idiots..." Cole whispered. "They think they can just come an take my spotlight. They think can take attention off Redmond and kick me to the curb! Well not for long..."

Meanwhile at the Blue House, students were getting ready to go to sleep.

"How much longer until we get this book?" You asked Ciel while secretly adjusting your bandages.

"Until we can get the Vice Headmaster to talk to us." He said.

You laid down on the bed. "Ugh! I can't it anymore with some of these boys. Some act so perverted when talking about women. They act like there is only one woman on earth and they're competing for her."

Ciel yawned. "I know. We will be out of here in no time, (Y/N)."

"We better." You said.


Cole awoke extra early. He wanted to talk to Redmond before anyone else did to tell him about something. The only thing in his way was actually trying to find him.

'Where is he?' Cole thought.

Redmond walked passed Cole. "Hello, Cole."

Cole grinned. "Hello, Redmond. Do we have any 'fag meetings' today? So I can let Phantomhive and (L/N) know about it."

"Yes, in fact, we do. We will have a short meeting today during our break and please tell them. Its a very important meeting, so let them know right away." Redmond said.

"Of coarse, Redmond." Cole said slyly. He laughed after Redmond turned the corner.

That morning, you and Ciel were in your first class. All the students were waiting for Mr. Michaelis and Mrs. Villanueva to arrive and they were all out of their seats chatting.

"Hello, Phantomhive, (L/N)." Cole said cheerfully.

"Hello, Cole." Ciel said.

"I have an important message for both of you." Cole said.

You had a bad feeling about him. "What is it?"

Cole took out a piece of paper out of his jacket(I forgot what its called sorry). He took it out and handed it to you with a smile. "It's a message from Redmond."

You took the paper and read it. The note had the time and date of the meeting.

"Just a recap." Cole said. "We meet in the Swan Gazebo after school is over to discuss an important topic."

Ciel looked at the paper then at Cole. "We will be there."

Cole went to his seat across the room and spoke with a mysterious tone. "I'll be waiting...."


During the schools break time, you and Ciel went outside again to do schoolwork.

The weather was so peaceful and the whole place seemed to be at ease. The sky was blue with not a single cloud in the sky. Green grass was everywhere and full of color along with the scenery.

"Can't we go talk to the Vice Headmaster now?" You said.

Ciel shook his head. "No. We can't make it obvious that we suspect him about something. We have to take our time and think of a plan."

"Fine." You pouted with your arms crossed.

Ciel laughed slightly. "You look adorable when your like that."

"Im not!"

"Yes you are."

"Im not!"

He put his index finger on your lips. "We can't attract attention, now can we?"

You glared at Ciel. "I hate you."

Ciel smirked. "No you don't."

"Your horrible."

"I know I am." Ciel said.

Meanwhile, in the Swan Gazebo, the P4 were waiting for the two of you to arrive.

"Cole, did you tell them?" Redmond asked.

"Yes I did, Redmond. I told them exactly what you told me: during our break time. I even gave them a note as a reminder." Cole said.

Bluewer turned to Redmond annoyed. "Well why aren't they here yet. They are a part of my House and they should know about not disobeying the Prefects."

Redmond placed his hand on Bluewers shoulder. "Lets wait a while, shall we? They could just be running late."


"Where have you been!" Bluewer yelled.

You and Ciel froze after hearing Bluewer yell.

"Care to explain why you're late?" Violet said, joining in to the conversation.

"What do you mean? We are on time." Ciel said.

Redmond moved his hair away from his face. "You are indeed late, Phantomhive. Four hours to be exact."

"Redmond is right." Cole said. "I even gave you two the specific time and on paper, too."

Ciel took out the paper from his pocket. "This paper? It says to come right after school."

"What?" Redmond said.

"No, it said to come during break time." Cole said.

Ciel decided to read it out loud. "It says-"

Cole snatched the piece away from Ciel and 'accidentally' dropped it in the water. "Oh no, I am really sorry. You both need to be careful on your reading skills, now don't you?"

You glared at Cole. "Listen here, pretty boy. I saw the paper with my own eyes and I herd you say to come at the end of school." You said as you pushed Cole toward the railing that led to the water and holding on to his collar. "I know your lying, so might as well confess."

"I don't know what you're talking about." Cole said cautiously.

"(L/N), let him go." Ciel said.

You reluctantly let go of Cole.

"We should get going. Lets go (L/N)." Ciel said.

As you and Ciel left the Swan Gazebo Ciel whispered something to you. "I knew he was lying, too"

"Are you thinking what Im thinking?" You said with a smirk.

"Yes. Lets get revenge."

A/N: IM SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING, IM AN ASS! IM SORRY IF ITS SHORT TOO SO KILL ME IF YOU HATE ME! Anyways, I wasn't updating due to personal problems in life and also studying for exams. I'll be on winter break out of school soon, so I'll try to update as much as possible! XD


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