Present day...
My alarm rang indicating it was time for me to get up for work. At 6:45am, my daily routine started. I didn't get into work until 8:00am but for me to be able to feed and take care of baby Mia before leaving it was necessary to rise at the break of dawn. My mum would be here soon to babysit Mia while I was working, anyways. I prepared a bottle and headed to her nursery. Mia was 3 months old and even though I should be on a break I couldn't take it. I was the one who provided for our little family of two and although we weren't poor and weren't rich either, being on a break would make me short on our income. Mr. Kerrington had respected my decision but wasn't very happy about it, considering the fact that I had also worked until my last weeks of pregnancy and quickly returned to the company a few days after being dismissed from the hospital.
After I finished college, I started to work for Kerrington Enterprises. A few months later, I had taken the position of CEO. Mr. Kerrington had noticed my hard work and dedication to his company and decided to promote me to a better position that would help with the income I made for myself and baby Mia and my desire of having a company of my own in the near future. He was very considerate with the fact that I was a single mum.
I tried to never think of Max but it pained me to know he was absent in Mia's early age and would be for possible most of her growth and life. Knowing that his absence would affect her as she grew up, I had asked Max's mother to allow me to give Mia his last name despite the way our relationship ended. Mrs. Wilde had met Mia the night she was born but hadn't seen her again ever since. She called or texted me once in a blue moon for an update on her pictures of Mia, never more than that. Considering the way Max and I's relationship had ended, I didn't blame her for her distance. However, I was still grateful for her support with Mia and her life, it wasn't Max but at least it was someone related to him. I never intended or thought about contacting Max again. He had made it very clear; he didn't want the responsibility of a child. I hadn't wanted Mia to feel completely deprived from a father figure, but knowing no one would be able to take Max's place I decided that giving her his last name was the least he could do.
After that night, I had tried to date other men but it had been a lost cause. It was impossible for me not to compare their every move to Max, being pregnant had also been an obstacle in the way. Even months after our break-up, I still loved him and I hated myself for it. I should have despise the living hell out of him after what he did and said that night but my feelings for him hadn't changed one bit. Ever since then, I hadn't made an effort to make myself available in the dating market. But even after the pregnancy, Mia consumed most of my time. Not that I was complaining, she was the best thing that could have happened to me.
Mia had inherited Max's intense, sultry looking blue eyes and my caramel brownish blonde hair. Most of her features resembled Max; she had his full, pink lips and fine nose. Even at 3 months old, you could come to the conclusion that she had a bubbly personality. Always giggling over silly things and smiling at everyone who was around her. She was what made me looked forward to coming home every night after work. Her presence was always so entertaining.
At 7:54am, I entered the tall skyscraper located in downtown New York where the offices of Kerrington Enterprises were established. I was greeted with a "Good Morning, Ms. Daniels" by the secretaries on the lobby. I waved and smiled back at them as I entered the building and headed towards the elevators. As the bell rang indicating the elevator's arrival and the metal doors opened, I pushed on the '16' floor button and closed the doors.
When I arrived to my floor, I walked through the corridor full of tinted glass walls and doors until I reached my office. Several of my co-workers were already in their offices getting ready to work while others were late and still on their way. Punctuality and responsibility were two things I tried to always accomplish during my time at the offices of Kerrington Enterprises. My desk was full with stacks of papers that would be needed for the numerous meetings and conferences I would be having. I put my purse in my drawer and sat on the leather chair in front of my desk and computer as I prepared myself for more than 10 hours of work.
I was checking and editing a PowerPoint being used for one of our conferences when a knock interrupted me. Reeve, my sister's boyfriend, peeked through the door. His dark brown hair fell over his brown eyes as he said, "Am I interrupting you, Ms. Daniels?" An amused grin took over his face. Reeve and his so called office games.
"Certainly not, Mr. Crestwell. Come in" I replied, trying to contain my laughter. I stood up from my chair and hugged him as he closed the door and approached me. Reeve and my sister had been dating for 5 years. He had been planning on proposing to her and came to me several times a week to consult his ideas.
He was an extremely attractive guy. His tall, slim body was something to admired. His naturally messy dark brown hair gave him an innocent yet trouble kind of look at the same time. His brown eyes could intimidate anyone who has under their stare. He was an incredible, great guy. I was glad my sister had found someone like him.
"What's up? Any new ideas?" I asked, sitting back on my chair.
"Well actually I... I already proposed."
"What?! Oh my god, congratulations" I made my way back to him and hugged him tightly
"You don't even know if she said yes." He chuckled
"I'm smart enough to know she did agree." I smiled back at him, the gleam of excitement and happiness plastered on his face were unmistakable. Both of them deserved the happiness they gave each other. I envied their relationship and constantly wondered if that would ever be me again but deep down inside I knew that was very unlikely to happen.
Reeve and I were chatting and laughing about old memories when the door to my office was abruptly opened. As I looked over Reeve's shoulder to see who had interrupted my lunch chat with him, my whole world was quickly turned on its axis. I could hear my secretary Julia apologizing, saying something about calling security and trying to stop the interruption. Her words evaporated and went to the back of my mind. As I took in the scene, the smile on my face quickly faded and I saw the person that I least expected a visit from. Not now. Not later. Not even soon. This couldn't be happening.

Without Him
Romance(EXTREMELY AMATEUR) Ella Daniels gave her heart away to Max Wilde, only to get it all crumbled up by him that one night everything between them ended after Ella made a shocking revelation. Nearly a year later, Max makes a sudden appearance in Ella'...