Chapter 12

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The following day, I was woken up by Mia like every other morning. Tonight, we were going to the Wilde house for dinner. If yesterday I was nervous and full of anticipation, today I was overloaded by the feelings. I was excited for Mia. She was seeing Max's father today since her birth and I wanted to see how things would go. How Max would be around her with his father by his side. I didn't know if Mrs. and Mr. Wilde would treat Mia and/or me the same way I was treated before things went downhill with Max. I wanted to know if the past had caused a change between my relationship with his family. I took myself out of the thoughts, stopping myself from dwelling on them. A while ago, I promised I would let things with Max just be. I had to keep it that way. Zero over thinking

I left Mia on her play yard to prepare the bath for her. On my way to get her, the sound emitted from my phone caught my attention. 1 new text message.

Max Wilde: Good morning! Can't wait to see you girls later. I'll be there at around 5:45pm. Be ready :) x

I couldn't but smile at the excitement Max's text held. This was clearly a big deal for him and for me too. It was a big deal for the three of us; him, me and Mia.

Good morning :) Will be! See you later.

Ella .xx

I retrieved Mia from her play yard and headed to the bathroom. I removed her small pajamas and pamper, later setting her on her small plastic bathtub that was inside our own. Her bathtub was full with a decent amount of water. After the setting her inside I added bubbles, knowing she considered bath time as play time but with water.

Mia constantly splashed the water full of bubbles as I tried to bathe her with the sponge. To say, I came out wet from her splashes would be an understatement. I was soaked, which was to be expected. Splashing water was her entertainment which also served as a distraction when I bathe her. The sponge wasn't Mia's best friend, to say the least.

I took her out of the bathtub and dried her up with the towel. After getting rid of any water that would wet the floor, I headed to her room and dressed her. I chose a cute floral dress for tonight. It was early but if I dressed her now it would be much easier for me later when it was my turn to get ready. I combed her caramel curls, adding a cute headband that matched her dress.

"You look lovely, baby" I kissed her on the cheek. Whenever Mia was grumpy for getting out of her bath before she wanted to, it became impossible to dress her. She would go into - what I called it - fit mode. She would cry and kick and do anything that would prevent you from dressing her. Luckily, today she was in a jolly mood.

Thankfully, I had fed Mia before her bath. Otherwise, things would have gotten messy. Mia was a hands-fists-and-no-spoon eater. She didn't get along with spoons or forks whenever they came near her. Lately, she had been fighting me trying to feed herself instead of having my help. She would turn her face away from me and/or the plastic little spoon or fork I was holding whenever I brought it near her mouth. She wanted to be independent.

After her bath, I returned Mia to her play yard, leaving her in a safe spot while I quickly cleaned and organized the kitchen and bathroom. A few minutes later, Mia started to voice her sentences of incomprehensible words in a not so nice tone, meaning she was complaining. I looked over my shoulder at her play yard to find her, standing up on the mattress of the play yard, holding herself from the barricades. She was rubbing her eyes with a frown on her face, meaning she was ready for a nap but wanted a bottle of milk before sleeping. She was getting grumpy.

"Mia, please. Hang on, just a few minutes" I pleaded

My words just made Mia complain more. I increased my pace and finished what was left of cleaning and organizing in record time. I took Mia out of the play yard and started rocking her while giving her her pacifier as I prepared her bottle. After a bit of struggle, Mia fell asleep. I took advantage of her unconscious state and went to get ready for tonight's dinner. Mia and cleaning had consumed most of the morning and part of my afternoon. Max would be here in less than two and a half hours and I wanted to get ready without no rush since Mia was resting.

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