If I had been distracted before my lunch with Max, I don't even know how I was at the moment. I was physically and mentally incapable of concentrating with anything that had to do with work. My mind kept going back to our moment in the lobby. He almost kissing me. Me almost letting him. I was pretty sure that if I hadn't remembered Mr. Kerrington's PDA rule, Max would have kissed me. And God, did I want him to.
I arrived home more late than usual. My procrastination at work had delayed my arrival. However, I was able to finish reviewing some papers from previous meetings and conferences, write some ideas and notes for the continuation of our conference on Wednesday and organize my messy desk. Mum was getting Mia ready for bed when I entered our apartment. Sometimes I considered getting a nanny because I felt bad about having my mother come so early in the morning and stay so late at night but every time the thought crept my mind, my mother would wash it away by saying how much she loved spending time with her granddaughter and I being the daughter that I am decided not to fight with her and just agree.
"Hi honey," Mum exclaimed when she heard me closing the front door.
"Hello Mum," I said as I approached her after leaving my purse, keys and phone on the kitchen counter. Mia instantly started to lean forward, trying to get into my arms. "Hi pumpkin" I took her from Mum's arms and kissed her on the cheek. "How did you behave today? You weren't cranky, were you?" I asked
"You could say she was a bit upset at the beginning of the day but we negotiated and ended up settling for a bit of peace throughout the day" Mum laughed
"Oh baby no" I frowned, looking at Mia. It was very rare for her to be cranky with Mum, they'd always gotten along.
"Ella, it's okay. It was nothing I couldn't handle, sweetheart" Mum soothed me. "Anyways, I better get going. It's late. Mia is all set for bed, so you don't have to worry ok?"
"Ok, thank you Mum. Drive carefully, goodnight." I said as I took her to the door and hugged her. As I closed the door and applied the lock, my phone chirped with the arrival of a new text message. I took it from the kitchen counter and sat in the living room couch, sitting Mia on my lap to be able to reply to whoever had texted me.
Max Wilde: Hope you had a good day! Thank you for having lunch with me this afternoon. Goodnight. Xx
I typed my response back with difficulty, Mia was determined to take my phone out of my hands and turning it into her new play toy. "Mia, please. Stop" I said, removing her small hands from the phone screen.
I did, same to you. No worries, thank you for inviting me. Goodnight.
Ella .xx
As I sent my text, Mia decided to quickly send her own before I could completely stop her from doing so.
Chdxz b
Sorry, Mia was determined on saying goodnight too.
A couple of seconds later, my phone rang. "Hey, sorry about that. I guess Mia wanted to say goodnight"
"Don't worry about it, my fault for not including her on the text." Max joked. "How is she?"
"She's okay. She's sitting on my lap at my moment. I'm waiting for her to drift off - which won't take long - before getting myself ready for bed" I told him
"Well, kiss her goodnight for me. I don't want her getting mad at me"
"Will do"
Max and I talked for a little longer while I waited for Mia to fall asleep. When she did, I hung up and took her to her crib. I covered her with her blanket and quietly left the room, leaving her door ajar so I was able to hear her in case she woke up later in the middle of the night. I removed my black pencil skirt, white blouse and black leather Loubotin heels and got into my pajamas.

Without Him
Romance(EXTREMELY AMATEUR) Ella Daniels gave her heart away to Max Wilde, only to get it all crumbled up by him that one night everything between them ended after Ella made a shocking revelation. Nearly a year later, Max makes a sudden appearance in Ella'...