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You got into to the car, putting on the seat belt as Vincent started the engine. Honestly Vincent really creeped you out and you only said yes to hanging out with him because you wanted him to leave you alone at that moment. The car was quiet, mostly because you didn't feel like talking at then, but your sweet silence was interrupted.

"So (y/n)?" he started off, his hands tapping the steering wheel a bit. " How often do you get into cars of men you barely know and go to their house?" he asked with a cocky grin stretching from ear to ear. You didn't even answer, just gave him a scowl, letting him know you weren't amused.

"Im kidding, im kidding." he chuckled. you rolled you eyes,rested your head on the window, then closed them, falling asleep.

when you awoke you noticed you were on a quite comfortable bed. Throwing the covers off of you to get up you realized you weren't in your work clothes, but in a really baggy new-ish looking pink shirt. Then you remembered you were at Vincent's, great. He was the one who probably undressed you then and also probably took enjoyment in it too. You huffed out of the room and to the kitchen were you found him munching on a plain piece of toast.

" Hey there, i like your shirt." He said, eyeing you up and down. You blushed, and wrapped your arms around yourself.

"Shut up." you mumbled. " Also why the hell did you think it was okay to undress me!?" you yelled. He stood up and walked over to you.

" Because darling, its not like this is gonna be the last time i undress you..." He teased, causing your face to go completely red.
"Vincent, stop, I thought we were just 'friends' hanging out." You said, making air quotes with your hands when your said friends.
"Aw but we are." He said, looking into your eyes.
"What the hell, stop flirting with me then." You stated putting your hand on your hip. He laughed a bit.
"Alright, I'll stop, I was just messing with you." He admitted.
"Okay but that still doesn't explain why you thought it was okay to re dress me with out my knowledge." You said, starting to get mad that he was avoiding your questions.
"You just looked uncomfortable in that dirty uniform, so I quickly put one of my old shirts on you and your uniform in the the washer getting clean." He explained. Part of you didn't believe him, but since you wanted to drop the subject you said okay.

"Alright, since we got that situation dealt with, I guess we can get to the hanging out part of this." You suggested, walking to what you presumed was the washer machine to get your clothes since you weren't really comfortable just wearing a shirt around. When you opened the machine, your clothes were still soaking wet.
"Great." You mumbled. Since you didn't want to wear wet clothes, you had to wear his shirt, but you need pants too.
"Hey Vincent." You called out to the other room he was in. He walked in, his smile being the first thing you saw.
"Yes?" He asked. You held out you soggy uniform, hoping he understood the dilemma. He made an 'oh' shape with his mouth and grabbed your belongings from you and threw them in the dryer.

"Well since those wont be dry for at least another hour, how bout you pick out what you ant from my things." he guided you to his closet where there were many different styles of purple clothing. he let you be to pick out some things and get ready. after about 10 minuets of hunting and searching through everything he had that you could wear you settled on the pink shirt you were already wearing and some black jeans that were small on him, but still big on you, so you got a belt to hold them up. You walked out the room to the living room to see his thoughts on the disaster you wore. He laughed once he got sight of you, instead of getting mad you laughed along because you knew it was horrible too. You looked and felt like a little kid dressing up their parents clothes.(get it? You feel like a kid, Vincent kills kids? Haha, I'm funny, jk.-.)
"Come on, let's go to get something to eat, your probably hungry." He said pushing you to the door and opened it for you.

He didn't tell you where you two were going to eat because he said it was a surprise, so you closed your eyes. When you felt the car go in park he said it was okay to open them. When you did you were disappointed in the sight I front of you. You were a fazfucks. Great.
"Vincent, why did we go here? To the place we nearly die in every night?" You questioned.
"We get employe discounts and I'm not wasting it to go to some other cheap restaurant." He explained as he got out of the car. You sighed and got out after him. When you entered you were greeted by the familiar atmosphere, but more lively than at night. You looked to the stage were you saw the murderous attractions, but you had admit they did look less scary in the day light, still though they sent fear into you.
"We'll pick a seat." Vincent said. You looked around, most of the tables were taken, but you managed to find one in the back corner of the room. Hastily you made your way over there, grabbing hold of Vincent as you went so you wouldn't loose each other in the mob of kids. The table had a couple old plates on it with chewed on pizza crusts and crumbs, but you two both just cleaned it off. As you put your hands in the table to sit, you noticed that it felt sticky, making you cringe, but you just excepted it, after all it is a child's play place your eating at.
"What do you want to eat?" He asked. You just shrugged, not knowing what there was.
"You want to split a pizza or something." He asked again.
"Yeah sure, what ever is good with you." You politely stated. He nodded his head and waved his hand trying to get a waiters attention. A young lady with medium curly brown hair walked over in a pale blue waiter dress.
"Yes sir?" She questioned, her eyes big like a deer in head lights.
"Yeah, we're ready to order." He said, pointing from him to you. She grabbed out note pad and pen to write down your orders.
"Okay, what would you to like?" She asked sweetly.
"We're just gonna split a pizza." You said. She scribbled it down quickly.
"Is that it?" She questioned, looking at the two of you, a little curious why two grown adults were eating at a kids place.
"Mhm." You hummed. She nodded her head and walked away to place your order.

"So, Vincent do you eat here often?" you asked, genuinely curious.

"Ehhhh, every once in a while, only when I don't have anything else better to do." He said, playing with the napkin on the table, scrunching it up then letting it unfold its self. You two sat there, listening to the sounds around you, looking at how lively the small restaurant actually was. It was a short wait before your food came out, steaming as the waitress put it on the table.

"Careful, its hot." she warned, then went back to other costumers. You were starving so you immediately dug into the food. You yelped as you touched the burning food.

"You okay?" He asked. You put your finger in your mouth, trying to sooth the burn.

" Yeah, its just really hot." You said.

The pizza wasn't the best, but it was good enough for now. You two talked here and there, mostly about work and things like that, until he brought up a interesting topic.
"Heh, hey, (y/n)?" He asked.
" mhm?" You answered back.
"I was just curious, is there a boyfriend in the picture?" He questioned, almost making you choke on your pizza.
"Uhhh no, not at the time." You said. "why?"
"Oh just curious." He picked up a napkin and wipped the corners of his mouth, then started to get up from the table.
" well I believe its time to go." He said. You got up and followed him outside, which he then proceeded to drive you home.
Happy Thanksgiving!!!

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