Ch.3 The first night

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"Wait, wait, wait, I'm starting tonight!? This is a nightshift?!" You exclaimed, flailing your arms in the air a bit.
"Yes, is that a problem (y/n)? I mean this is only your first night." He finished, not amused that you're kind of sassing him, but you calmed down.
"I'm sorry for freaking out, I just assumed that this job was during the day not night and was surprised to find that it wasn't, along with the fact five other strangers working with me." The others looked at you before the purple one spoke out.
"Is that a problem sweet heart?" He said in a gruff voice, stepping forwards as he talked. A small blush crept it's way onto your face as he called you 'sweet heart', but you got over it.
"Not at all." You replied sternly, your cheeks still a tad pink. The purple man chuckled a bit.
"Blushing, that's cute." He semi complemented, putting a hand under your chin.
"Stop Vincent, you barely even know her." The man with the phone for a head said, putting a hand in 'Vincent's' shoulder, pulling him back from you. He gave a small growl and crossed his arms huffing.
"Okay, so I guess we are all working tonight?" You asked,making sure you got your schedule correct.
"Yup, but when you do please be careful." The boss sounded scared, but you had no idea why.
"Now all of you get out." He pointed to the door, going back to his work. Soon enough you all filed out of the cramped room.
"So uh, I guess I'll see you all tonight." You smiled and waved awkwardly. You herd a mixture of good byes and grunts come from the odd bunch as you turned and left.

You had to walk home, but your house wasn't far from the restaurant thankfully. As you walked you decided to take a look at your uniform. Shuffling through the pile for wadded clothes you were handed you first pulling out a pale blue collared shirt, then some black slacks along with a black tie and security hat. You crumbled the clothes back up to carry them easier until you got back.

Once you returns home it was about 3:30, so you decided to take a shower and get some rest, because you had a long night ahead of you.

Later that night
Beep beep beep
Your alarm went off at 11:00 to wake you so you could be ready and go to your new job. As soon as you got dressed you noticed the shirt was a size too small so you had to unbutton a couple buttons up top so you don't suffocate. After altering your uniform a bit you realized it looked more revealing than intended, but it was too late late to change that because you had to go.

Running out the door you made sure to grab a snack, because you knew you were gonna be hungry during the shift. You pulled up to the pizzeria right it time before running inside, not wanting to be late.

As soon as you got in you were greeted by the five familiar faces, Vincent, Mike, Scott, Jeremy, and Fritz.

"Come on step in the office, I don't want you to get hurt." Scott grabed your wrist pulling to a small room.
"Hurt? What?" You were confused why you would be hurt. He didn't answer you he just told you to pass out old Freddy heads to everyone when he said. You just nodded your head in response, very concerned.
" so, uh, Scott since you've worked here before, what exactly do we do?" Mike spoke, crossing his arms, but Scott ignored him and checked the security cameras.
"Scott?" You asked tapping his shoulder. He glanced at you and sighed.
"Okay, so here's the thing. This job is unbelievably life threatening." You eyes widened.
"WHAT!?" All of you yelled.
"I know, I know, I should have told you, but the job is so hard without other workers." He said rubbing side side of 'head'.
"So we're all gonna die!?!?" You yelled terrified.
"No no no no, well maybe, but most likely no with all of us here." He sorta reassured you.
"You dumb bastard! You should have told us we could potentially die when we were in the boss's office!" Mike yelled out, pointing his figure at Scott.
"Well maybe you should have at least asked about the job before you took it!" Scott yelled back.
"How was I suppose to know that my life was gonna at risk!" Mike pushed Scott back a bit, the phone growling in response.
"Guys.." Jeremy spoke quietly, no one hearing him. Mike and Scott kept fighting and eventually you started to try and pull them apart and fritz just stood there eating some chips ._.
"Guys." Jeremy said a little louder, but nobody listened.
"GUYYYSSS." Jeremy finally yelled out, causing all of you to stop what you were doing and look at him. He looked completely afraid and was shaking violently.
"Check the vent." He whispered. Fritz was the closest so he reluctantly went over and turned on the light. Inside the vent was Bonnie, blankly staring into nothing.
"OH WHAT THE FUC-" you flailed before Scott cut you off.
"Everyone put on a Freddy head." He spoke out. You all did as you were told and put one on. Only about a couple seconds later a flickering image of Bonnie passed over your eyes, making you let out a small whimper.
As soon as he was gone you all immediately took of the heads, your breath heavy.

After everyone calmed down you guys got in a system. You gave out Freddy heads, Scott checked the cameras and wound the music box,Jeremy flashed the hall way light, and Mike and Fritz turned on the two vent lights. The night finally came to an end after what seemed like an eternity and you all knew finally what was I store for you all.

WHOO THIS WAS A LONG CHAPTER. please don't get used to long chapter, this is like a one time thing. Thanks for reading!

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