Ch.5 second night

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Once you and Fritz arrived you were greeted by the other four guys,
"Hey guys!" You smiled and waved, causing everyone one to blush. You noticed that all there faces where tinted pink and looked around to see if it was something else.
"Why are you guys blushing, did I do something?" You said, looks at your attire to see if it was proper. They all shook there heads and you shrugged it off.
"Wait (y/n), why were did you and fritz arrive together?" Scott asked crossing his arms. You thought about your word choice and decided to mess with them a bit.
"Oh because I almost over slept and he was already in my room so we decided to car pool." You said, trying not to laugh at their faces.
"Why the hell was he in your room?!" Vincent ruffly yelled, pointing his finger at you two. You chuckled.
"W-wait, no, no, it it wasn-" fritz started to stutter trying to explain with out the other hurting him.
"Okay guys it fine, we didn't do anything, he just came over to wake me up, simple as that." You explained.
"You sure?" Vincent asked, raising an eyebrow. You pushed your hair behind your ear.
"Yes I'm positive."
Vincent just grumbled away. Suddenly you got a light tap on your shoulder, it was Jeremy.
"H-hi (y-y/n)." He stuttered out. You have him a warm smile.
"Oh hi Jeremy! How's it going, we don't talk too much" you said looking at his question mark, not really knowing where the heck his eyes are.
"I-I'm gr-great, but I w-was wondering I-if y-you would like to, to h-hang out some t-time." He looked to the floor as if he did something wrong. You placed your hand on his shoulder.
"Of course, I would love to, how bout this weekend, sound good?" You asked nicely. He nodded his head and you guys all headed to your positions because it was 11:58.

Nothing really happened that night, except for the fact ol' foxy decided to join in the the murder adventure, which created a bit more of a challenge. Through the middle of the shift you started to get tired and your eyes started to droop and become heavy, but you had to stay awake. You let out a bug yawn.
"How you holding up (y/n)?" Scott asked, worried you may fall asleep.
"Oh I'm fine, just gettin tired, that all. You said stretching out you arms.
"Ok, just try not to fall asleep, we need all the help we can get around here." He continued to check the security cameras, only every once in a while looking up and around to check the surroundings.

The whole night that constant melody coming from the music box echoed through your head, oh how you would like to smash that dreaded thing, but you soon learned to ignore it. The night seemed to fly by, probably because you only ran into a couple problems and you did fall asleep for about an hour. Finally the six AM bell rang, setting you all free. Droopily you walked out the office to the main room of the restaurant where the animatronics preformed. Just the sight of there faces sent shivers down your spine now. From behind you you felt a hand lay on your shoulder, making you jump around only letting your eyes fall on no other than Vincent.
"Jesus, you scared me." You heaved out, dramatically placing a hand on your chest. He chuckled at your reaction.
"I find you funny (y/n)." He said, causing your checks heat up a bit.
"How bout you and I do something thing this weekend, I'd like to get to know you better."
"Aw, I'm sorry I can't, Jeremy and I already have plans." He seemed shocked at your words. Jeremy out of all people, Jeremy asked you out first. He had no words to say except "oh"
"Again I'm sorry Vincent, but I got to get going" you said, pointing you thumb towards the door backing up towards it. He just waved at you as your turned and walked out.

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