You managed to doze off in miles car, typically you would be able to stay up, but ever since you took the job your sleep schedule has been all over the place. As you dozed off your thoughts were soon replaced with dreams of various things, mostly things that were troubling you at the moment, but you tried not to let that get to you. Images of your worries slithered into your mind as you slept, causing you to mumble out loud a bit, but that mumble became distressed and scared, alerting Mike that something was wrong. While driving he tried to shake you awake.
"(Y/n)...(y/n)" he kept calling your name getting a little louder each time.
"(Y/n)!" He yelled. You jumped and opened your eyes to see Mike looking over at you, then back to the road with a worried look present upon his face.
"You okay?" He asked. You thought of those words for sec, 'are you okay?'. They seemed to echo in your mind, but you soon spoke up, a little chuckle as you did.
"It's funny you ask that." You snickered. He gave you a confused look.
"I've learned that you really shouldn't tell people your not okay." You paused and looked at him, then down to your seat.
"Because then it's hard watching them not knowing what to do and eventually your the one comforting them,even though your really the one who needs it." It took a little thinking but you realized you started to ramble about that. He gave you a side glance and sighed.
"Why do you think that?" He asked.
"Because, that's what has happened every time I've seeked help in my life." You said, looking out the glass window, skimming the skyline with your eyes. He didn't answer you after that, just kept driving, but that was okay.You kept thinking about what happened between you and Vincent, the scene kept replaying in your head, over and over. He almost took advantage of you, he was so close, but you were thankful nothing really happened and that the rest of the guys heard your distress.
The car came to an abrupt stop, you and mike jolting forwards from the gravity.
"Uh, we're here." Mike said awkwardly and got out of the car, but before you could open your door it opens for you, Mike standing there looking at you.
"M'lady." He jokingly bowed as you stepped out.
"Why thank you kind sir." You placed a hand over your stomach and the other behind your back and tilted your torso forwards, gesturing to him. You guys walked to his front door and went inside. Wandering over to the couch you went and laid down, tired from the day's events.
"You want a bed?" Mike asked, you brought your head up from the pillow it was buried in and shook your head.
"I'm fine, but thanks for the offer." You said and put your face back in the pillow. Nearly not 10 seconds later you felt arms wrap around you and pick you up.
"What I meant to say is you are sleeping in a bed." He 'corrected himself' carrying you bridal style upstairs. A small blush crept it's way upon your cheeks as you looked up at the stern man. Your heart seemed to skip a beat as you made out his features, his blue eyes standing out the most to you, they were like crystal clear skys trapped those orbs. You noticed yourself thinking like this, thinking about Mike, was is possible you started developing feelings for him?Mike got to his room and laid you gently down,you shifted around and sat up.
"You know, I was totally comfortable sleeping on the couch." You stated.
"Well I wasn't, I want you to be comfortable." He said walking over to the bad and getting in next to you.
"What are you doing?" You asked a bit worried and confused. He let out a chuckle.
"I don't want to sleep on the couch either." He pointed out."Besides there is more than enough room here for us share with out even getting close." The bed was awfully big, so you guessed it really was no big deal.
"Well, Good night then." You said and turned to your side to get comfy.
"Okay, night." He covered him self in blankets and started to fall asleep.Wow, the worlds most boring chapter, sorry for not updating that much :/

Fnaf security guards x reader
FanfictionOkay, so this is my first reader insert story,so sorry if my writing isn't the best, but it shall improve. So here's the summary What happens when (y/n)(l/n) is looking for a new job and finds an ad in the paper for a guard at Freddy Fazbears, alon...