Ch.11 very late Christmas thing

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Vincent dropped you off back at your place, smiling at you as you left the car and walked into your house.
"Hey, I'm home." You called out, wondering if anyone was there.
"(Y/n)!?" You moms voice echoed from upstairs. A couple seconds later she walked down stairs.
"Where have you been? You should have been back a long time ago after your shift!" She yelled out. You sighed.
"I was hanging out with one of my co-workers." You explained. She examined you up and down.
"What are you wearing, that's not yours." She stated, looking over your attire. Completely ignoring that question, you asked.
" Hey did Jeremy come back here?" You said in a concerned, but calm tone. She looked upstairs and pointed to your room, signaling he was in there.
"Okay, thanks." You started to walk away, but your mom stopped you again.
"You still didn't answer who's clothes those were and why your wearing them." She looked you straight in the eye, her cold hand still gripping you shoulder, but not that tightly.
"That doesn't matter right now, I'm going to go check on Jeremy." You said and went upstairs to your room. She let that go and decided she would ask about it later when you wanted to talk.

Opening your door you noticed Jeremy sitting on your bed playing on a DS. You walked over and sat next to him, grabbing his attention.

"Oh, h-hi (y/n)." He said looking at you, then back to his game.

"Hi Jeremy, how long have you been back?" You asked.

"S-s-ince after our shift, s-so 6, 7 hours?." He continued to play on his game, like everything was fine. You cant believe you forgot you left him alone for so long, but you guess that its inevitable because you have your own life and things to do, so this would probably happen sooner or later.

"aw, i'm sorry for leaving you all alone for so long." You comforted, but he didn't seem that worried about it.
"I-it's fine, you h-have your own li-life and I shouldn't g-get in the w-way." He mumbled.
"B-but the bright s-side is that i-it's Christmas!" He said excitedly.

"Wow I can't believe I forgot!" You said with a stupid look on your face.
"Eh, the a-author of t-this fanf-fiction can make y-you forget whatever t-they w-want you too." He chuckled, breaking the fourth wall.
"Ha yeah I guess this all just a fanfiction so anything could happen." You laughed.
"I guess we should call up the guys and celebrate together?" You suggested, Jeremy nodded and grabbed his cell phone and started to text people. After sorting out where all of you were going to hang you all decided Scott's because he offered,being the gentleman he was.
"I'm going to go get ready real quick. I'll meet you over there." You said and waved Jeremy bye. Turning back to your room you looked for the most festive thing you could find. Rummaging through your clothes you pulled out a red dress about a little less than knee length that showed off your curves nicely. After slipping on the dress you decided to put on a little makeup to brighten your completion up. After all that you looked in the mirror, did your hair all nice and got ready to go.
Le time skip
Walking up to Scott's door you noticed another car pull up in the drive way, a purple car. It was clearly Vincent and let's say his attire was,um,spirited. He wore his same purple uniform but now he had mistletoe hung on his belt buckle. He laughed as he realized you noticed his accessory.
"You like this?" He pointed to the plant on his pants. "because I put it there just for you" He cooed as he stepped closer to you. You blushed red like your dress and pushed him back. He gave you a smirk and winked then proceeded to walk inside, leaving you there confused and speechless.

After a couple seconds you regained your composure and headed to the front of the house and proceeded to knock of the wooded door. Almost immediately the door swung open and there stood Scott.
"Hello (y/n)!" Scott welcomed you in.
"Hi Scott." You answered back with a warm smile and wave. When you walked in you noticed how wonderfully decorated his house was inside. To your right in the far corner was a Christmas tree beautifully covered in glistening lights while Mike and Jeremy sat underneath it and talked. To your right was the kitchen which had the smell of cookies coming out of it where Fritz sat and watched the oven and almost everywhere else in the house lay garland wrapped around various items, but you noticed you couldn't see Vincent anywhere.
"Wow, your house looks awesome!" You complemented, he blushed and rubbed the back of his 'head'.
"Heh, so do you." He said. You giggled and thanked him as you two went to go see everyone else. When you did every ones head turned to you and multiple hellos where heard all around.
"Hey guys." You said back and they went back to what ever they were doing before. The night was going by smoothly, everyone was laughing and getting along, Jeremy was talking quite a bit and was seeming to enjoy himself, mike was less grumpy, and you hadn't got perverted remarks from Vincent, actually you hadn't seen Vincent since you first showed up, but you didn't think about it too much. Time seemed to fly by with all the fun you guys were having, it seemed you were long time friends, but really you meet them a short time ago. You were getting quite parched and decided to ask Scott were his drinks were. Walking over to him you tapped his shoulder.

"Hey, where are the drinks?" you asked politely (A/n By drinks I mean refreshment, not alcohol, unless you want that, then go right ahead, you're just not getting drunk...yet)

"In the kitchen, on the second shelf of the fridge."He said, you nodded and walked away.

You noticed he was carrying your favorite drink, which made you pretty happy. Bringing it out you got a glass from out one of the cupboards, ready to pour the drink, but you were having trouble opening it. You used a lot of force trying to get it open and when you did it spilled all over you, making you take a few steps back to look at yourself. Your dress was covered in your drink and there was a mess on the floor now. Grabbing a towel you started to clean the floor and dab your dress to soak up some of the spillage, well this started to put a damper on your nice night. After cleaning what you could, you grabbed the towel and walked out to the living room to tell Scott what happened. As soon as he noticed you were covered in liquid(i don't know what you were drinking so .-.) he came over to your side and grabbed to towel out your hand.

"what happened?" He asked you, some worry in his voice.

"I uh spilled my drink." You sighed, pushing some out of place hair behind your ear.

"Oh, i'm sorry, if you'd like you can borrow some of my clothes from upstairs in my room." he kindly offered.

"That'd be great, thanks." You said and headed upstairs to get changed, what was with you and wearing different mens clothing? First you wore Vincent's clothes and now Scott's?

Entering his room you closed and locked the door behind you with a small click. You rummaged around to find some clothes and you found some pajamas with draw stings around the waist so it wouldn't fall down on you and a grey hoodie that you zipped up. Holding you wet dress you started to open the door and head back down stairs when you felt and arm snake around your waist and pull you close.
"Hey there sweet heart." He whispered in your ear, his breath tickling the side of you neck as he spoke.
"Vincent stop." You demanded. He turned you around so you were now facing him and brought his face close to yours.
"Not a chance." He said and pulled you in tighter, almost to the point where it hurt. You pushed against his embrace, but that didn't change anything. He started to suck at your neck, trailing kisses along you color bone, then back up to you ear wear he started to gently bite. You squirmed more and started to yell, hoping the guys down stairs would hear you. Vincent soon covered you mouth with one of his hands.
"Tisk tisk, we don't want anyone to walk in on our charades, now do we." He cooded. You felt his other hand slowly trail its way down your back to your hip, then lower. soon as that happend you heard a knock on the door and a muffled voice.
"Uh (y/n)? We heard a scream, you okay?" You heard Fritz ask. You tried to scream out for help, but Vincent's hand kept you quiet. You finally thought and kicked Vincent in the shin, his grasp loosening enough for you to get loose.
"Fritz?! Help!" You yelled out, but was pulled back again.
"See what you've done now? Your cutting our time together short." He said right before be pressed his lips against yours. You weren't going to lie, you did have a small amount of feelings towards him, but this forcefulness just wasn't okay. He started to unzip you jacket, but a click in the door was to be heard. There, with a key in his hand, was Scott, surrounded by the others.
"VINCENT WHAT THE FUCK MAN!?" Mike yelled and pulled him off you. You took in a deep breath to regain yourself as Jeremy and Fritz held both your arms to support you up.
"What? Her and I were having a moment until you so rudely interrupted us." He said to Mike with a cocky grin.
"Seriously, shut the fuck up and get out." Mike grabbed Vincent's collar and dragged him out side, locking the door before going back upstairs to check on you.
Everyone was fucking at you as you thanked them for helping you.
"Um (y/n) this may be sorta an awkward question, but uh, he didn't do anything too extreme did he?" Mike asked out of concern.
"No, no, just kissed me, a lot." You looked to the ground and wrapped your arms around yourself.
"Um if you'd like, I can give you a ride home, if that makes you feel any better?" Mike offered.
"That would be great actually." You nodded. You turned to face the rest of the guys.
"Thanks for having me over, I'll see guys at work tomorrow." you waved good bye and headed out with Mike.
Getting into the car an idea popped in your head.
"Hey Mike?" You asked. He looked at you.
"can I um actually stay at your place tonight, I don't really want to go home." You asked nervously.
"Sure. If you want." He shrugged and started up his car, heading to his house.

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