Discovering Hell.

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Okay, I am sooooo sorry for how long it has been since I last updated! But I have a brand new chapter for you guys because I love you all so much!!! Sorry it's a little short, the next chapter will be more eventful XD Thanks, Rachel x

Ryou's POV

CREAK. The wooden chair began to rock and as a split second away from tumbling over.

"Mr Mouto!" Joey cried, running into the room and grabbing the heavy box from the other's hands. I jumped from my spot in the doorway and ran over. Steadily helping the elder from the chair, a sigh of relief escaped from my lips.

"Thank you ma' boys. I was just trying to get this last box of Yugi's things. It was a good thing you were here to help this old man." He chuckled.

"Yeah, just make sure to be more careful next time gramps." The blonde beamed.

"Of course. So, what can I do for you boys?"

"We are here to pick up the last of Yugi's things as he is busy catching up on homework." I smiled brightly.

"Oh thank you. Well it is all right here. How about you join me for a snack before you leave."

"Awesome." Joey grinned, lifting the box and following Mr Mouto down stairs. I began to follow when something caught my eye from underneath the bed. Hastily, I fell onto my knees and dug around until I grabbed the object. My eyes widened as I stared at the millennium ring.


Still Ryou's POV

"See you later Joey."

"Smell ya later Ry." He blonde laughed.

I pace steadily down the pavement. Dark clouds consume the sky and the sound of raindrops echoes in my ears. Why is the ring here? It should have been destroyed like the other millennium items.And why on earth did Yugi have it? Fear begins to circulate my bloodstream. Something isn't right. Pulling the millennium ring out of my coat, I sighed. The questions plagued my head as I stepped, but my mind snapped when I heard that all too familiar voice.

"Long time no see old friend."

My heart stopped beating and my body froze instantly. Water trickled down my face but I was too scared to move. I stood motionlessly in the pouring rain, hoping my mind was just playing tricks on me.

"Not you.." I whispered.

"Yes Ryou. I hope you don't mind, ill be borrowing your body for a little while."

"WAIT! N.." I screamed but before I could protest, my mind went to blackness.

Evil Bakura's POV

"Ah, good to be back. Now, I think I'm going to find that pharaoh to teach him a lesson before I carry out my plan."


"Just a second." Yami hollered from the bedroom. Grabbing a blanket, he made his way down the corridor to the room where Yugi was.

He sighed heavily as a painful weight tugged at his heart. Something was wrong and he just couldn't comprehend what it was. Mind spinning and questions lingering, he paused for a moment. Taking in a deep breath, his gaze drifted to the window.

Suddenly, his head snapped up. A flash of white hair and drifting trench coat plagued his mind. He pondered for a moment, frozen to the spot until Yugi met him on the corridor.

"What's wrong Yami?" He said happily, taking the blanket from the taller male.

"Nothing. I just..I though I saw. Nothing, im just tired. I think im imagining things." He muttered.

"Welcome on, the film is about to start." The young one smiled brightly, heading back to the front room.

"Okay." The pharaoh whispered, still gazing out the window, into the drenched city outside.




Yami shook, startled as there was a sudden pounding on the door. He strolled over, unlocking it as the noise continued. Finding a tight fisted Joey, a puzzled expression came over his face.

"HEY! Just because you too are together doesn't mean Yugi can ditch school for your little fiascos." the blonde raged.

What on earth was Joey talking about? Why was he here and not at school? the smaller teen wondered.

"What are you talking about?" Yami questioned.

This just infuriated the blonde even more. "Yugi. He is supposed to be at school!"

"Are you saying he's not there?" The pharaoh's eyes widened in worry. Yugi's would never just wonder off.

"Of course I am you nimrod!" The ex-gang member yelled.

"Joey, Yugi left for school this morning..."

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