Past Is Important.

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The white and desolate plain held no sound. For a brief moment you could call the place peaceful. However, the events about to take place would be far from it. Echoing footsteps began to emerge and the sound progressed, closer and closer. A contrasting black trench coat drifted behind the moving figure and those unnaturally white locks were brought to light. Adjacent, another figure appeared. This one, dissimilar to the other, wore an intricate white tunic, followed by a royal blue cloak. Blonde strands hung above crimson eyes which slowly began to open.

The pair stopped when they reached a fair distance between each other.

"Well, well. If it isn't the mighty pharaoh. It's been so long." The white haired male sneered.

"Not long enough." The other replied; his crimson eyes filling with disgust.

"Now there's no need to be like that. Why can't we just get along?" His smile was sickening.

"After everything you have done Bakura. Not a chance."

"You're still mad at me for that whole 'destroying the world' thing aren't you? Well that's all in the past now. I have a new goal in mind."

"And what might that be?" Yami questioned.

"Well, let me tell you a little story. When I was young, everything was taken from me and a vowed that the man responsible would pay for his actions. But even after a, what seemed flawless, plan to destroy you; you still got away without punishment. Landing us both here, only hindered my revenge plot even more. But I found a way pharaoh. I found a way to make you crumble. Not through you, but through your friends." He smirked evilly.

"What are you talking about?!" Panic suddenly set in the pharaoh's mind. Though it was rather impossible for Bakura to hurt him directly, his friends were still easy targets. But how could Bakura get to them? And what was he planning to do if he did?

The white haired male simply grinned. "Being the spirit of the millennium ring, my soul could never be consumed as long as the ring still exists. And it just so happened to be me who's soul was lost and not your little friend Ryo. Therefore, even in the afterlife, I have my millennium ring."

"So what? That thing will do you no good here!" Yami's voice rose dramatically and he took a grounding step forward.

"That is where you are wrong pharaoh. You see, before your ceremonial duel, you removed your puzzle. When your soul was sent here, your millennium item did not come with you. My millennium item is the only one in this realm which, let's just say, gives it certain perks."

"Quit your nonsense. Get to the point."

"Fine. My millennium item still has its powers. Meaning I can open the door to the shadow realm and pass right in to the real world once again. And because there are no other millennium items, nothing can stop me." He burst into a fit of laughter. "However, in order to open the door to the shadow realm, I have to participate in a shadow game. And who better to challenge than the pharaoh himself? In his weakened and helpless form."

"This can't be!" Yami's tone was instantly weakened and he worried for the fate of his friends. It was supposed to be over. He should have returned to the afterlife and his friends should have finally been able to move on and build their lives.

"Oh it can, once I win our duel, I can pass right on through that door."

"Don't count on it. I will defeat you and then no one will pass through."

"That is where you are wrong pharaoh. The energy from the shadow game will destroy this realm. The afterlife. And everyone in it, that is unless someone walks through that door."

"Very well. I will go. If I win, I will return to the present realm." He sighed heavily. Would he give up his only chance of peace? Of course he would. His friends were relying on him and he refused to let them down. "Let's duel."


"No, this can't be! I can't lose!" Rage and fear boiled up in those deep brown eyes.

"Im afraid so, dark magician attack his life points directly and end this!"

Bakura let out a horrified scream from deep within his lungs. His damaged body fell almost lifelessly to the floor.

"It's over." The pharaoh spoke half-heartedly. He had won. But this also meant he had to leave. Stepping cautiously over to his injured opponent, the millennium ring began to glow. Blinding light shot from the ancient item and a twisted and changing doorway appeared by the side of the pharaoh.

"Once again you have failed to defeat me. With my friends at stake, nobody will pierce the courage in my heart. You are poisoned by your revenge and hatred. That is why you are no match for me."

The pharaoh made his way over to the door way. The swirling and alternating colours led deep into the shadow realm. Yami knew he had to do this. So he braced himself and strode out towards the door. He glanced back at the man, crumbled on the ground. Once again he had beaten his toughest opponent. His friends were his driving force and they were the only reason he could defeat the evil that constantly surrounded him. Being pharaoh meant that he had to make sacrifices. Even if it meant his own happiness.

Taking in a deep and powerful breath, he blindly stepped into the next realm. The door slowly began to dematerialise. The man sprawled across the floor let out a wince in pain. He pulled the millennium ring from over his head and with all his strength cast it towards the doorway. A grin was plastered on his face as the door had closed. The millennium ring had gone through.

Okay, this chapter was pretty bad. I just tried to add more to the story. Hopefully it will lead to a new plot. Thanks so much for reading! XD

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