I've Got You.

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Okay guys, I haven't edited this chapter as much as I'd have liked to but I imagine you're getting rather impatient. I hope you still enjoy it and thank you so much for sticking with me!

Rachel xxx

Panting heavily as they came to a stop, the gang arrived at the abandoned building. The faint rushing of water echoed through the iron bolted doors which stood over 10 feet tall.

"How do we get in?" Tristan spluttered as he attempted to catch back his breath.

"I have no idea but if that's where Bakura stashed Yugi then we have to get in there." Joey growled, desperately kicking at the intimidating, unbreakable door.

Téa's eyes wandered desperately to find an entrance but instead she caught a glimpse of a damaged and dirty sign resting on the floor. His stomach churned. "Guys look!"

WARNING: Water treatment facility DO NOT ENTER

"This is bad. Yugi could be seriously hurt in there." She cried.

Yami had said nothing up until now, but he raised his head and spoke with confidence. "We have to have faith that Yugi is okay. But we have to get inside before it's too late."

"Let's scope the place out, there must be some way Bakura got in." Tristan added, grabbing Téa by the hand and running down the left side of the building.

"Come on pharaoh." Joey waved the shorter male to follow him around the other side.


After roaming around for what seemed like an eternity, Tristan finally spotted an emergency exit. A set of hazardous looking stairs led up to the slightly open door.

"Guys I found it!" He yelled.

Yami and Joey, came racing and the gang looked up and began to tackle the rickety, metal stairs. The gang then found themselves in a dark and damn passage. Leaking pipes lined the corridor and eerie sound of bending metal echoed throughout.

"AHH" Téa cried, clinging to Tristan after a loud bang erupted from the walls.

They continued on.


Yugi gasped. 'That was Téa. My friends are here!' He thought silently.

Bakura had also clearly heard the girl's scream. "How they find us?!" He spat, standing a few feet away from Yugi. He stomped over to where the boy was sat. "Time for plan B." He growled, yanking at the boy's hair which made Yugi let out a pained cry.


"That was Yugi screaming." Yami froze and his eyes widened in horror. He felt like he was going to be sick, just the thought of Yugi being tortured by that psychopath.

"Come on, we have to find Yug, now!" The blonde exclaimed. He grabbed Yami by the arm and desperately tried to help his keep pace.

The maze of pipes had finally come to an end but as they reached the main room of the facitily, their hearts were in their mouths. Bakura held Yugi at the edge of the reservoir, hands bound at his waist and a gag covering his mouth. The boy's eyes were filled with tears when he saw his friends had come for him.

"Yugi" Joey cried, getting ready to charge forward. But that sickening voice stopped him.

"Come any closer and he goes over the edge" Laughed the white-haired male. "With his restraints and gag, he won't last 1 minute in that current. If you so much as take another step, he drowns."

"Why are you doing this, you've lost. Just give up and let Yugi go." The pharaoh pleaded, tears threatening his crimson eyes.

"I'm afraid I can't do that pharaoh. You see, it's inevitable that I'm going back to the spirit world. I have nothing to lose. So I thought the least I could do was make you suffer for the rest of your miserable life." He smirked.

Yami paused for a moment, looking over to his other half. Sheer terro was clear in Yugi's eyes. His heart almost ripped in two. "Why make me suffer when you can just take me with you?" He said calmly, letting his eyes fall back on the white-haired adversary.

The room was silent except for the crashing water pipes.

The pharaoh's gaze dropped to the floor as he continued. "Kill me instead. Isn't that what you've always wanted? for 5 millennia? To see the fear on my face and watch the light leave my eyes?"

Bakura fell silent for a moment, keeping his eyes on the male. He huffed in amusement and shut his eyes superiorly. "Very well pharaoh. YOU" He pointed towards the blonde. "Bind his wrists."

Joey gulped. He turned to Yami and received a confirming nod. Picking up a piece of rope that must have once blind Yugi to the chair, he tied it as instructed and stepped back towards the others.

Bakura removed Yugi's gag and the boy spluttered for a moment. "NO Yami don't do it. Please." He cried but Yami's pained eyes looked away. He then slowly stepped over to Bakura, his gaze fixed to the floor.

Once he reached the edge, he looked up and gave Yugi the most sincere smile. "Everything is fine. I've got you." He kissed the smaller male on the forehead gently.

At that moment, it all happened.

Tristan jumped forward, tackling the white-haired male. He snatched the millennium ring from his neck and pinned him to the floor. Joey sprinted and yanked Yugi away from the edge. Everything seemed like it was over for almost half a second, that is until the smaller male looked back towards the edge.

Yugi's eyes grew wide.

The pharaoh had his arm stretched out; Yugi's image slowly slipping through his fingers.

The smaller boy's heart stopped beating as he watched his other half fall back into the raging current below.

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