Don't You Dare.

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Hey guys! Thank you so much for sticking with this story, I know it has been so long. I can't thank you enough for being patient through my exams. But now I'm back for 7 whole weeks! New chapters and updates every week :) love and hugs, Rachel

3rd Person POV

"Wait, he's not here? He normally meets me by the gates before school but he didn't show." The blonde said, completely stumped.

"Joey I have a bad feeling about this, we need to go look for him." Yami spoke sternly. Grabbing his jacket, he and Joey hit the streets in order to look for Yugi.

"I don't get it, where could he be?" The blonde panted, his hands on his knees after stopping.

Yami, in the same tired condition caught back his breath. "I'm worried Joey. Something has happened to him, he wouldn't just leave."

As the pair prepared to run further their eyes caught the 3 figures in front of them. Teá, Tristan and Duke began running toward the pair.

"Yugi!" Teá cheered, stopping in front of the two boys. "Joey you found him!"

"No I didn't Teá." He sighed regretfully as the group came together.

She gave a confused look before softly saying "I don't understand."

"I'm not Yugi." Atem spoke.

"Wait. You're the pharaoh?!" Tristan yelled.

Atem looked down, almost ashamed that he wasn't Yugi. The blonde noticed the hurt in his friend's eyes. "It's a long story guys, we will explain everything later but now we have to find Yugi! He's still in trouble!" Joey pleaded.

"Well where could he have gone? He wouldn't just run off like this, leaving his grandpa and friends behind." Duke added. "We have been looking all over, no one has even seen him. Something must have happened."

The pharaoh's hands began to shake, and stray tears slid down his cheek. Losing the will to stand he fell to his knees. "I lost him again." He choked. "This is all my fault for a second time. It's my fault he's gone and we might not be so lucky in getting him back this time." His fists hit the pavement in anger. The rest of the group just stood silently, taking in Yami's words, realising what he said. He was right, this time they might not get their friend home safe.

Silence took over, the sickening sound being unbreakable. Teá began sobbing, curling up in Tristan's arms. The others watched as their friends slowly fell apart. Unexpected by the group, footsteps walked towards them and a maniacal laugh cut through the air. The pharaoh's eyes widened in horror. It was him.

As silver white hair appeared before them, everyone knew. He was responsible for Yugi's disappearance. The blonde stood in front of his fallen friend and Duke stood in front of Tristan who was still holding a crying Teá.

"Well pharaoh it seems you've got everyone involved. Excellent, more people for me to toy with." Bakura hissed.

"What have you done with Yugi?" Joey growled at the man in front of him.

"Now now, your precious Yugi is just fine and he will be returned to you in the exact same condition I took him. That is if you follow my instructions to the letter."

The group scowled but stayed silent to hear what they had to do.

"You see, I was wearing this millennium ring when you so rudely sent me to the spirit world. It is almost a copy of the real one. However now it has been brought back to this world, it is losing its power and will soon become useless. You will find me the real millennium ring. And I know what you're thinking, if you just wait the ring will lose its power and I will disappear. That is very true but if you do so, you will never find your friend, not even his body." He smirked.

Yami felt like he was going to be sick. He slowly got up, mustering all of the strength he had left. He stepped past Joey and walked straight up to Bakura.

"We will find your millennium ring. Just don't you dare touch Yugi."

"You have my word pharaoh. However there is one little catch. This millennium ring is already deteriorating. You have a week to bring me the real one. Enjoy your trip to Egypt pharaoh." Bakura smiled, walking away, hand thrust in his pockets and his trench coat floating dramatically as he moved.

Another tear slowly made its way down Yami's cheek, crashing onto the pavement below.

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