To Save A Friend.

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Hey guys! It's been way too long... but finally I've got back my passion and drive for writing now my A levels are over. Thanks for sticking with me!
Rachel xx

"I think you owe us an explanation." Tristan said firmly, holding onto the brunette who was still sniffling slightly.

The shorter male sighed. "There was some trouble in the spirit world. I thought that by coming back here, there would be no other way for him to return. But he did it somehow. Now he's taken the most valuable thing to me in this world." His head fell softly into his hands as the tears began to threaten his eyes once again.

The blonde growled slightly, storming over to the others. "What are we just stood around here for?! We need to get to Egypt as soon as possible!" Joey barked.

"Joey, it's impossible. It would take us two days to get there and two days back. We can't find the millennium ring in just three days. It's buried deep underground. Heck, it would take years for an excavation team to even find it." The sobbing brunette spoke.

Yami cried softly. "Téa is right. There's nothing we can could possibly do..." His voice drifted off as his gaze dropped to the pavement. Feeling even more pathetic than the stone slabs beneath his feet, his body felt weak.

"This is what Bakura wants, to make us feel hopeless. The best thing we can do is go home and not torture ourselves like this." Duke spoke regretfully.

The blonde's blood began to boil. Grabbing the game designer by the collar, he growled. "Don't even think that for second! Our only shot is to find that white haired freak and rescue Yugi before the week is up. Come on guys, "Yugi would never give up on one of us so let's not give up on him!"

"But where do we even start looking?" Tristan questioned.

"I may be able to help with that..."


Kaiba folded his arms, looking down at the ground with annoyance. "So let me get this straight... You want me to drop running the biggest company in the world in order to help you find your friend who's been kidnapped by an evil spirit?"

"Exactly." The blonde said dumbly, completely unfazed by the glare the CEO gave after looking back up at the ex-gang member.

"I don't know what it is you've been taking Mutt, but if you think I'd do something like that for the sake of friendship you have greatly misjudged me."

Joey sighed and stepped over to the blue-eyed male. He grabbed the other's arm slightly, and moved his body closer. "If you do this, I'll.." The blonde whispered seductively into Kaiba's ear.

The CEO stood still, his eyes closed. For a moment, everyone felt like their hearts were in their mouths. "Follow me geek squad." His eyes moved over to the others, before turning on his heel and heading down the hall.

Silence loomed in the air as Kaiba tapped away on his keyboard. Everyone stared at the screen and cutting-edge technology which made no sense to them in the slightest.

Whatever the brunette was doing was over their heads but at least they found out it was working when the CEO spoke up. "I cannot find Yugi as I assume his dueldisk is not with him, however my satellite cameras have picked up that other friend of yours. He entered an abandoned warehouse about 20 minutes ago. Looks like the kind of place to stash the little geek to me."

"That must be it!" Joey exclaimed. "Let's go guys!" He balled up his fist and a large determined grin made it's was onto his face.

Smiles filled the room and everyone began to make their way out of the room.

"Don't forget your end of the deal Wheeler." Kaiba said in his usual monotone voice, just as the blonde stepped out of the doorway. Joey spun around, holding onto the door frame.

"Don't worry, I look forward to it." A cheeky smile crept up on his face and he winked before running after his friends.

They were going to save Yugi.


Yugi's POV

I could hear the rushing of water below me. My eyes forced themselves open to see the dark and dirty room, where an industrial pipe ran through the ground. My gaze drifted to my arms and legs. Burning my skin as I squirmed, the ropes felt like they were pulled tighter the more I moved. I sighed in defeat.

"It seems you're awake" I darted my eyes towards the voice.


"I know what you're thinking. 'Bakura what's happening, why are we here? What are you doing to me?' Well I'll tell you now, I am not the Bakura you know. And you're here because I've kidnapped you. My plan is to push you into the water pipe where your body will never be found. That is unless your little friends bring me the millennium ring by the end of the week. Any questions?"

"You really think you'll get away with this?" I spat.

Bakura smirked. "Yes I do." He turned, letting his black trench coat flow behind him as he paced over to the door.

"Sit tight little Yugi."

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