I'm Nothing.

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"I'm home." Yugi called eagerly as he stepped through the threshold of the door. Heading through the shop, he made his way to the stairs.

"Up here Yugi." Yami hollered from the bedroom. Climbing up the staircase, Yugi made his way to the bedroom. He inched it open softly and spotted Yami sprawled across he bed.

"Hello Yugi, your grandfather went out about an hour ago." Yami smiled, sitting upright.

"Oh. Good. It means I don't have to whisper for a while." Yugi cheered happily, discarding is bag and blazer into the carpeted floor.

"So, how are your friends doing?"

"They are your friends too you know. They always will be. And they are fine. Téa is still a bit shaken at losing a friend but other than that, the gang is A-okay!" Yugi beamed brightly, making his way over to sit next the the pharaoh.

"That's great to hear!" Yami laughed.

"So, want to have a movie night? We can just chill out in our Pyjamas and do nothing productive."

The taller male releases a huff of air in amusement. "Sounds good to me."

Yugi went over to his dresser, digging around for a minute before throwing a bundle of clothes at Yami. "Here put these on." He gestured over to the bathroom.

As Yugi heard the bathroom lock unsnap, he spun his head around and was stunned by the sight before him. Yami stepped over, wearing only baggy pyjama bottoms which perfectly clung to his muscular body.

"Sorry, your shirt didn't fit. But don't worry, I'll be fine sleeping like this."

Yugi snapped from his gaze. "Long as your comfortable. Here, I put in a film, let's sit and watch." Yugi patted the space beside him on the bed.

Yami followed and wrapped himself into the blanket alongside the boy.


It was late at night, the pair had fallen asleep hours ago and the moonlight now lingered around the room. A small breeze brushed through the air from the open window. It sent a shiver down Yugi's spine and be began to stir. He instantly took in a sharp breath of air in shock, as he noticed Yami wasn't asleep next to him.

He sprung up, examining the room desperately, his amethyst eyes filled with worry. A sigh of relief struck him when he saw the other sitting on the floor, leaning his back against the bed.

"Yami what's wrong?" He questioned.

The pharaoh jumped slightly. "Yugi, your awake. Please, go back to sleep. I'm sorry I worried you." Yami sighed, tucking his knees further into his chest.

Yugi slowly crawled off the bed; perching next to the still shirtless pharaoh. He wrapped the blanket around both their shoulders and sighed. "Please Yami, you can tell me anything."

Swallowing the lump in his throat, the larger male began to speak softly.

"All of my life I have been selfless. I saved man kind and put my life on the line to save others. But now I am in the real world, I have become selfish. All I can think about is how useless I am. I can't help anyone like this. I'm nothing. I'm just going to grow old and disappear some day. There is nothing for me to do, I'm no hero since I can't save anybody. It makes my cringe at how utterly selfish I am sounding. But it's the truth. There is nothing for me here."

Tears threatened Yugi's eyes. Pure shock and slight anger was plastered across his face.

"Don't you dare think for a second that you are not a hero! You saved the entire world 3 times! That's more than anyone else has ever done! You are the biggest hero that has ever lived and ever will! You saved Egypt in the past and again 5000 years later. And don't forget about saving the world from the wrath of the Leviathan! You don't think you're a hero, well that is selfish." Yugi balled up his fist and scrunched up his nose.

The pharaoh huffed slightly and a small smile tugged at his lips. "You're right. With the help of our friends, we did save the world. We are all heroes." A small silence broke over. "Thank you Yugi." Yami whispered, turning towards the other.

Their faces were so close together, Yugi could feel Yami's breath against his cheeks. His warmth was so inviting and Yugi's body did something before his mind could think twice.

He pressed his lips onto the other's.

Having his instincts inhibited by the shock, the taller male didn't return the kiss. However, he didn't stop it.

Yugi was in sheer bliss but reality struck him like a slap in the face. He pulled away slowly. Unsure of what to think, he just let random words roll off of his tongue as they pleased.

"I.. I'm.. Don't.." He stuttered hopelessly.

"I have never been kissed before."

Yugi's eyes widened instantly. "Never?!" His gaze drifted to the floor and he struggled within himself. Regret washed over him but pity soon took its place.

"With everything that has been going on in my life, I've never had the chance for such things."

The shorter male's eyes softened. "I'm sorry. And I'm sorry about 'that'. I shouldn't have done it without asking. I erm..."

The boy was suddenly silenced.

Yami's finger was pressed softly against Yugi's lips. Staring into the smaller male's eye, he crashed back onto Yugi.
This kiss lasted much longer than the first. Both men lost themselves in passion as their lips moved perfectly in sync. Separating, they took in heavy breaths, still falling deep into each other's eyes.

"5000 years trapped in a golden puzzle has made me forget how much I was missing out on. Those 16 seconds were the best 16 seconds of my entire life."

"Really? Pharaoh... the reason I missed you so much and was so heartbroken when you left was that I always had feelings for you..."

The Pharaoh's gaze fell to the floor.

"...More advanced feelings than just friendship."

Hearing that, Yami's head snapped back to the smaller of the two. Yugi's eyes were exploding with fear, hope, happiness and passion all at the same time. Tears were visibly about to run down his cheeks as he smiled.

"If what I felt during that kiss was just a small part of the things to come then I want nothing more than to explore this new territory with you."

Yugi could no longer hold back the happy tears, sobbing into the pharaoh's chest. The pharaoh placed and arm over the boys shoulders and smiled. "Let's get back into bed, aibou."

Both of them stood and curled up under the warmth of the covers. Yami gazed into Yugi's amethyst eyes slowly began to close. He flung an arm around the boy's waist and pulled him close, resting his chin on the other's head.

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