Isogai x Reader ANGST (Songfic)

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Hi guys! I know I haven't updated recently! I came back and thought of an angst I should write. This is also a Songfic which means that Reader-chan isn't just singing it, it has some meaning behind it and it relates to the story. Anyways, this is my first real Songfic, so don't hate plz! :p

You cried knowing that you could've stopped him.


"But Yuuma! It's our anniversary! Do you have to leave for work?!" you yelled. Once again Isogai had to leave for work. His boss was always threatening to fire him if he didn't go, but this was your 1 year anniversary after getting married.
"(First Name), you already know I don't want to, but we're broke and this is the only way to earn money.
"Fine." you said reluctantly, "You owe me though." "Thank you." Isogai said relieved.

I couldn't help but to tell you I'd be alright
When, to be true, it was tearing me apart inside
But it didn't matter since you're walking away so swiftly in front of me
And your figure is the only thing I see

"Yuuma, come back safely okay?" you said. "(First Name) this is the fifth time today. What's up?" Isogai asked worriedly. "I just have a bad feeling." you said. "Don't worry, I'll call you when I land and I'm allowed to go on break for a month after this business trip. I'll make it up to you then okay?" he said. "Yay!" you cried.
"(Flight Trip) is now leaving, please all board." the loudspeaker said. "Bye (First Name)" Isogai said as he pecked your forehead.

Plane has arrived, now is the time, you're going away again
As I try to run, it seems like the ground is slipping from underneath me
I shouldn't cry, I shouldn't cry, but I can't seem to hold it in
Oh, please don't leave me

You watched as he walked away, the pit in your stomach seemed to worsen. Something felt wrong.

Your silhouette is fading away too quickly for me to bear
Just as the wind, you blow by again, and suddenly you're not there
I shouldn't cry, I shouldn't cry, but I can't seem to hold it in
Oh, please don't leave me

You turned back around to stop him, but he was gone. He had boarded the train. All you could do was go home and wait.

When the fun is over, it'll always seem to end the same
Though I know it's coming, I can never seem to stop the pain
In this very moment, you look even more amazing and I can't avoid your gaze
Once again, I can see nothing but your face

When you got home, you couldn't help but worry. Isogai should have been at (Airport Name) by now and and should have called you. When the phone rang.

Time's ticking by, no matter how I try, I'm struggling to keep up
Night's taken hold as I'm walking home, I wonder if I'll be okay alone
Lights on the street glow at my feet, my shadow is all I've got
To keep me company

"Don't leave me!" you cried clutching the phone as tight as you could. "(First Name) someone with a gun is trying to crash the plane, and I'm the only one who can stop it. I'm sorry, but happy one year anniversary" he said as your heard struggles, shots fired, and screams from both Isogai and the gunman.

Your silhouette is fading away too quickly for me to bear
Just as the dark, it tears me apart, my surroundings blur once again
I shouldn't cry, I shouldn't cry, but I can't seem to hold it in
Oh, please don't leave me
I shouldn't cry, I shouldn't cry, but I can't seem to hold it in
Oh, please don't leave me.

"Why?" you cried as you and Isogai said your final words to each other, "I love you."
Sorry if I broke hearts.

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