Another Mission A Strange Planet

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After the celebration Mara went another way so they went back to the hotel and Camilla whispered to Shawn "I don't trust Mara" Shawn replied "well I don't entirely but she was basically my only friend for three months" then he still felt the talisman burning and was sure it'd leave a mark for sure. Everyone plopped down and scrolled on their phones to cheer up the mood Shawn said "let's make a vine" and held his phone up and recorded "hey guys happy new year" and panned it around and everyone waved and Lauren said "hi guys happy new year".

After Shawn posted the vine it had over three million revines. They talked about random stuff like music and Shawn used the force and moved stuff around and said "oh there's a ghost" Nash laughed and said "yeah that ghost is you". Camilla then nudged Shawn and had some soap in her hand and Shawn almost laughed and she said "shh smack cam" and handed Shawn her phone and he recorded.

Camilla snuck up behind Nash and hit him in the side of the face and he went "ahh what the?!" And everyone laughed, he wiped off the soap and said "very funny" then Shawn noticed Cameron wasn't there and sensed someone was slowly sneaking up on him, Camilla put some soap in Shawn's hand and he ducked to the side as Cameron tried to hit him with some shaving cream and pushed his arm aside and hit him with the soap.

Everyone was dying laughing and Dinah said "oh my god this is going on Facebook" and began typing on her phone, Shawn was laughing and Cameron said "how'd you know I was there?" Shawn looked at Camilla and she shrugged and said "lucky guess" Shawn said "actually I sensed it" Cameron wiped the soap off and said "hey no fair".

Shawn laughed and then his holoprojecter beeped and he said "I'll be right back" and walked away and answered it, it was a imperial captain with a Wookie fur pelt slung over his shoulder and he said "Hand Mendes the emperor has ordered you to come to Kashyyyk for a new assignment" Shawn didn't want to leave but knew he had little choice and said "I'll be there as soon as I can" and ended the call.

January 4,2015 Star Destroyer Avenger low Kashyyyk orbit
The small fleet of three ships as the rest were still deployed around Earth exited hyperspace and the planet came into view. Shawn went down to the hanger and got in the Strings and flew down to the surface of the Wookie homeworld, it was mountainous and had trees larger than anything Shawn had ever seen and almost missed the landing platform. He got out and was greeted by the same captain "greetings Hand Mendes I am captain Sturn follow me", following the caption through the base Shawn saw Wookies in chains and being whipped along and was flabbergasted by the Empires use of slave labor.

Soon they reached another landing platform and a imperial shuttle landed. The ramp lowered and four red guards exited and Leia and a blue colored astromech droid exited also, Shawn was happy to see her but kept his cool "Princess Leia welcome to Kashyyyk" Leia interrupted him and said "you can drop the charade captain we both know I was sent her by the emperor to keep my father from speaking out against the Empire" Sturn replied "as long as your father keeps his mouth shut I'll protect you as you'd hate to be the victim of a Wookie uprising" and gestured at a line of Wookies being pushed along and said "these beasts are mindless brutes".

Leia replied "show me to my quarters" Sturn bowed slightly and said "this way princess". Shawn sensed her frustration and anger as Sturn led her to a balcony area and gestured at Shawn and said "he will act as your bodyguard now don't try anything brash" then walked out and pressed a button and the door shut, Leia said "a sadistic monster is what that man is he hunts Wookies for sport" and walked over to the window with her droid and Shawn said "why'd they choose to use them as slaves?" Leia replied "because they have great strength..the Empire has enslaved entire villages in as quick as one hour".

Then Shawn's commicator beeped and a voice said "Hand Mendes we're under attack by someone wielding a blue lightsaber" that surprised him as he didn't sense any danger either, Leia said "well let's wait for them see what they want" Shawn replied "you're not easy to scare are you" Leia said "no because it takes more than fear to intimidate me" Shawn was impressed by her courage and knew she'd one day be someone of great power in a new free Galaxy.

After half an hour Shawn sensed someone was coming and heard the door open. He ignited his lightsaber and the man stopped and said "you again kid?" Shawn said "if you're after the princess you'll have to get past me" then Leia rested her hand on his shoulder and said "let's hear him out" Shawn retracted his blade then stood aside and the man did the same, Leia said "I should've expected the emperor would send an assassin it's a cowards tactic" the man said "I do not serve the emperor".

Shawn sensed he was telling the truth and said "he isn't lying" Leia said "good now who are you?" The man said "my names Starkiller your highness general Kota sent me" the name almost made Shawn ignite his lightsaber and Leia said "general Kota is dead killed above Nar Shaddaa" Starkiller replied "no he's alive and your fathers his contact in the senate". Leia looked out the window and said "if you really want pit support you'll destroy that skyhook when completed whole villages will be taken off world". Starkiller replied "the Empire will just rebuild it"

Leia said "yes but it'll give the Wookies time to disappear" then she said "is there still an Imperial transport at the platform" Starkiller said "yes but I think the pilot might be dead" Leia smirked and said "who said I need a pilot" and walked out and Shawn followed her. Eventually they made it back to the shuttle and Shawn said "I guess since the captains been killed I've been relieved of this mission" Leia said "where will you go now?" Shawn replied "Dagobagh there's something I found on Earth from there".

Leia said "then I'll see you later" and walked up the ramp. Shawn walked away back to the Strings and saw the skyhook exploding in the distance, he got in and flew back to the Avenger. When he reached the bridge he contacted Palpatine "my lord I found a piece of a plant on Earth from the planet Dagobagh" Palpatine said "recover what ever you find there and bring it back". Then the transmission ended, Shawn said to Fida "set course for the Dagobagh system".

The fleet exited hyperspace and Shawn sensed something about the planet and that it was different. He went down to the hanger and got in the Strings and flew down to the surface, as he got closer the fog got thicker and thicker yet using the force he was able to see through it and landed on the dark marshy planet. He got out and looked around at the strange place and sensed something was close and walked toward it. As Shawn got closer he held his lightsaber ready and saw it was a dark cave that radiated with the dark side "come to the planet have you" a voice said and Shawn ignited his blade and turned around and a small green humanoid covered his face and said "away put your weapon I mean you no harm".

Retracting the blade Shawn asked "who are you?" But he was more surprised that he hadn't sensed them "a watcher am I hmmm" Shawn knew the voice and said "are you the one who's been talking to me?" The humanoid sighed and said "yes I am". Shawn said "what is this place?" The humanoid replied "my home this", Shawn looked around and saw the vast trees and fog that hung close to the ground and sensed it had something familiar about it. "What's in there?" He said pointing at the cave and the humanoid slowly walked over and said "an evil place but tells the future it does", Shawn summoned up his courage and walked in

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