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Shawn was woken up by the sound of his door opening and saw Mara walking in, "you ok?" She asked "You've been sleeping all day" and walked over putting her hand to his head and said "oh you're burning up", "I'm fine" Shawn said. "You sure? you looked exhausted earlier"Mara replied, "alright I'm going to Mandalore and will be back later" then she got up and left,

-Holonet announcement across the Empire "by order of the Emperor and the Imperial Senate marshal law has been declared across the Empire for the week of Empire Day and by that decree the following rights are to be amended, right to assembly,speech,trial by peers are hereby suspended, a curfew beginning at 21:00 will be enacted across all Imperial territories failure to comply will result in immediate arrest".

Shawn was half listening but knew it wouldn't be good now with marshal law, he'd heard of what totalitarian regimes were like but had never actually seen one in person. The Empire was already an authoritarian state but was slightly relaxed until now, still he felt bad his migraine hadn't gone away neither did his cough even though he'd been sleeping all day and night. Shawn got up and dressed then walked out for his mission,

NORAD, Wyoming
"Colonel sir we've got a situation!" A worker yelled. "What is it?" The colonel asked, "an Imperial fleet looks to be two hundred ships they're heading this way" the corporal replied. "My god get me the White House immediately!",

White House,
President Walker was reading his daily briefing as usual, the phone rang and he answered it "Mr President this is Colonel Williams of NORAD we've detected an Imperial fleet approaching us" a voice said. Walker rose from his chair " can you guess their intentions their military attaché never notified us about this", "we're not sure but it doesn't look like simple drills more like an invasion force".

"Keep a close eye-" then the door opened and his senior adviser walked in "sir Imperial ships have entered the upper atmosphere all over the globe". Walker was overwhelmed, a surprise invasion or something worse. "Alert the armed forces and the UN get me Ambassador Organa I want answers" he said to his advisor who walked away, then a shadow was cast in the window and he looked to see a star destroyer descending.

Takabo, Hammertown
As Shawn crept through the destroyed building he got a funny feeling as if there was something wrong but didn't know what, the sound of blaster fire and booming explosions rocked the air. Then he heard the sound of a comlink beeping and heard "this is Spectre 5 I'm heading back to command" it was Ezra, Shawn saw a hole in the wall blown open by a shell and quietly ran over. He saw maybe twenty Rebel soldiers behind a wall where Ezra was running by, he climbed onto the next floor before heading to the roof. But a Rebel sniper turned and aimed his rifle at Shawn, quickly he reached out with the Force and pushed the rifle which fired as he did aside before choking the solder.

"What was that?" A Rebel said "hey'd you get another Imp?!" Then yelled, Shawn still held the solder in a Force choke and was conflicted between killing him and letting him go. But something told him not to kill him, then he heard a lightsaber ignite behind "let him go" Ezra said and Shawn released the soldier, "ok I'm here for the holocron where is it?" Shawn asked, "out of your reach" Ezra said. Shawn knew he was lying and said "tell me or I'll call in the bombers they'll level the area" although he sounded like he obviously bluffing, Ezra then held up the holocron, "you want it come and take it". Shawn then reached for his blaster quickly and shot the two Rebel solders beside Ezra before shooting him in the wrist and he dropped the holocron,

Reaching out with the Force the holocron flew to his hand and he ran off jumping down to the street. Then Shawn ran into a droid patrol "blast him!" And the droids fired at him, Shawn ignited his lightsaber and blocked the laser bolts before running down another alleyway. Then he hid in a crater as the droids passed by "where'd  he go?" One droid asked, "probably dead keep sweeping the area those filthy Rebels are nearby" then the droids went on. Shawn looked around then felt someone tap him on the shoulder, drawing his blaster and pressing it into their neck, "whoa don't shoot me" Maarek said, "what're you doing here?" Shawn asked putting the blaster back in his holster.

The Jedi From Earth: A Star Wars Story #Wattys2023Where stories live. Discover now