Overseeing A Selection

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Shawn landed in the hanger and climbed out, he walked to the elevator and went up to the bridge. Upon exiting he saw Vader was standing at the end of the bridge staring out the window, "you summoned me Lord Vader?" Shawn said. Vader replied "the Emperor has tasked you with finding a bounty hunter to find a band of rebels that have managed to hide from the Empire" then Vader asked "did you encountered these rebels on Devaron?" Shawn was surprised Vader knew that but remembered Vader was so strong in the force he could read minds.

"Yes Lord Vader but they escaped after general Kota was captured" he replied, Vader said " the Emperor wishes for you to find a bounty hunter to eliminate these rebels and wants you to oversee this trial" Shawn was uncertain and suspected it was a trick of some sort and said "why didn't the Emperor tell me this himself?" Vader spun around and said "you dare question me?!" Almost yelling it, Shawn bowed his head slightly and said "no Lord Vader" Vader replied "good you'll be accompanied by one you've met before" and he made a summoning gesture to someone behind.

Shawn looked back and the Fifth Brother who walked up, "I will go with the boy Lord Vader and make sure his judgment is reliable and if not I will make the decision" the Inquisitor said,Shawn was angered by this and asked Vader "where is this trial being held?" Vader replied "on Naboo and choose wisely as their opponent will be a rogue Dark Jedi who was captured a few days ago" then Vader walked past them and out of the bridge. "Admiral set course for Naboo" Shawn said and thought it was weird for something like that to be held on a planet such as Naboo,

Along the way he sensed someone he knew was in danger and blinked and in a flash saw Nash being chased through a wooded area on Earth while being slowly pursued by a figure with a red bladed lightsaber Shawn knew was an Inquisitor, but he also knew that the last time he saw Nash the crystal had lit up indicating he was force sensitive but hadn't reported it and protocols stated if an Imperial officer came across a force sensitive they were to report this to an Inquisitor. On the other hand there weren't any Imperial forces on Earth and the fleet had been spilt up and moved to nearby Venus and Mars where the bases were nearly complete, on Mars Imperial scientists had altered the DNA of the plant life so it'd resist the cold and to grow faster and the opposite on Venus. In order to maintain these patches of trees and water there were ten massive mirrors orbiting the planet that reflected sunlight onto the planet, on Venus the base was shielded from both the still partially acidic atmosphere and the proximity to the sun.

The Star Destroyer exited hyperspace and Shawn followed the Fifth Brother onto the shuttle that flew them down to the capital Theed. Upon exiting there were two lines of twenty stormtroopers leading to roofed stadium of some sort, the host said "welcome Inquisitor" to the Fifth Brother who replied "the boy has been tasked by The Emperor to decide I'm merely the observer" the host said "in any case this way please" and they followed him to the balcony overlooking the stadium. Shawn and the Fifth Brother sat down and the host yelled "let the match begin!" And several bounty hunters slowly approached the Dark Jedi who sat on the ground, the Trandoshian leaped at the Dark Jedi who was a human woman and she force pushed him away and stood up holding a electrostaff. Then the match began and the bounty hunters and the Dark Jedi clashed back and forth,But one had caught Shawn's attention and it wasn't an ordinary warrior this one wore Mandalorian armor and he recognized and it was Boba Fett.

Fett had killed several of the other hunters in the match that lasted for a good twenty minutes before it just him and the Dark Jedi, Fett flew around the woman until he swooped down and kicked the electrostaff away and kicking her with his metal tipped boots. She wheezed and fell over, " finish her off for him" the Fifth Brother said, Shawn replied "yes Inquisitor" and stood up and silently jumped into the arena, He quietly walked up behind Fett who aimed his blaster to the Dark Jedi "Which'll it be bounty hunter dead or alive" the woman said and Fett still aimed his blaster at her, "one of them is here" she said and Shawn stretched out his hand slightly and choked her out killing the Dark Jedi. Fett lowered his blaster and Shawn said "good work bounty hunter" Fett spun around aiming his blaster at Shawn but he didn't even flinch "oh it's you kid" Shawn replied "impressive no ordinary warrior could best a trained force user like that".

Fett said "alright I played this little game when do I get paid?" Shawn replied "you will but first find the Rebels known as the Spectres and bring the Jedi to the Imperial Palace for questioning" Fett said "fine as long as I get my money's worth in the end". After the trial was over Shawn and the Fifth Brother headed back to the shuttle, then he sensed a disturbance in the force and stopped "I sense it was well" the Fifth Brother said and they scanned the area. Shawn saw Kanan and Ezra skulking through a courtyard and said "over there" pointing at them, The Fifth Brother said "after them!"  And they chased after them, Shawn was slightly after than the Inquisitor and tracked Kanan and Ezra into a library. "They went in there" he said to the Fifth Brother and followed him up the stairs.

He looked up and someone threw a smoke grenade down the stairs filling the air, Shawn held his breath and went up the stairs until reaching the third floor and the Fifth Brother said "they are close" as Shawn had just stepped on the first step "are you sure?" He said. The Fifth Brother replied "you would question me brother" and pressed a button that opened the door to a hallway,After looking around for a minute the Fifth Brother stopped and said "one of them is close". Shawn sensed someone was in the air-duct above them, Suddenly the Fifth Brother reached around for his lightsaber which he ignited both blades and activated its spinning function and stabbed the duct. He stabbed it again and Shawn stepped aside and the Inqusitor stabbed again,

"Hey you!" Someone yelled down the end of the hall. Shawn looked up and there was Kanan who ignited his lightsaber but his attention was on who was standing next to him, it was Nash

The Jedi From Earth: A Star Wars Story #Wattys2023Where stories live. Discover now