Part 154

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**** White House,
Johnson watched in horror as more images of London floated in, over ten million or more were dead along with the Prime Minister and some of Parliament. "Evacuate every city from Anchorage to Maine" she said, "Madam President-" General Javier said. "Do as I say" she reprimanded, "get Admiral Ackbar", "and call every major world leader we have to organize defense against a ground assault" she said as the hologram of Grand Admiral Thrawn flickered back up, "now Madam President, you have seen the power the Imperial Navy is capable of unleashing, don't think we are done yet, no formal surrender will be negotiated by order of the Admiralty" Thrawn said. "So what you're just fight for glory and recognition,or should I even call it fighting more like murder" Johnson replied, Thrawn shook his head, "I do not have use for glory, only results for my Emperor", "and now prepare yourself for the firestorm" and the transmission ended.

***** Lothal,
Clara woke up and felt restrained to something, she looked around to see the room was dimly lit by red lights on the floor. "Damn it" she said remembering how that man somehow snuck up on her, was he invisible?, she thought, after all the few instances she'd Shawn use his abilities she could never fully understand how the Force worked or what it even was, as a student of many fields of science never once had anyone ever found evidence of an Force binding all living things together except gravity and nothing except a star or black hole could manipulate gravity. The door slid up and there stood Grand Moff Tarkin along with the strange man, Tarkin eyed her with a look of suspicion on his gaunt narrow face as he walked down.

"Now then, you will tell us the rebel plan of attack" Tarkin practically ordered, "lemme think about it, no" Clara replied, "do not be coy with me,girl, make this whole ordeal easier and willingly tell me before I rip the answer from you" Tarkin said, she considered it for a second, what would they do? Torture her? It seemed very likely given their nature in the past. "I'm not telling" she said choosing defiance, Tarkin grimaced, "very well then" and a small black ball droid warbled from behind her. "You're wasting your time Governor, the girl won't give up easily" the strange man spoke up, "do not interrupt me Kogo, if you presume anything else will suffice I take it you will offer a solution" Tarkin said back sternly.

The droid warbled closer and Clara saw a long needle extended from its right arm, "my method is far more effective than a simple drug" the Kogo man said stepping forward and raising his hand up, Clara wasn't sure what was about to happen but then the door slid open and an officer stood there. "Excuse me sir but we've received an unexpected visitor", "and whom might it be?" Tarkin asked as the other man stepped back from Clara, "L-Lord Vader sir" the officer stuttered, Tarkin gazed back at Clara then the officer. "Very well, I shall meet him, Kogo continue with you whatever Jedi abilities you had in mind" Tarkin said walking up the steps, "not in the least Jedi abilities Governor Tarkin" the strange man replied as the door shut. Clara wasn't entirely afraid nor up for whatever he was about to do, "now strange girl, tell me, what is the Rebels attack plan?" The man said pacing around her.

"Lemme think bout that, uh not telling" Clara replied, "oh I suggest you tell me before I take the answer from you" the man warned, how is he even gunna do that? She thought but the man stopped and stared at her inclining his head a little, "how? A way you wouldn't understand" he said. Clara was shook, how was it possible? Mind reading was just science fiction but everything around her looked like science fiction, if you're reading my mind go die in a hole,she thought, "not very nice" the man said. "How are you doing that?" Clara asked him, the man smiled a little, "Magic, sorcery, witchcraft" he said, "which of those would seems the most likely to you?" He asked still pacing around.

"Magic is just science that's not understood yet" Clara said, "one way of looking at it, but how about this as an answer" the man said getting closer and standing before her, "I can see and do things no other sentient being can, all by the will of the Force" and he raised his hand up at her again. "Therefore you would consider those like me, unique", and suddenly Clara felt an immense pain in her head as her thoughts raced wild only she wasn't doing it, he was looking through her mind, "ah yes, you're from Earth, and you know someone I know-" he said and stopped his gaze narrowed.

The Jedi From Earth: A Star Wars Story #Wattys2023Where stories live. Discover now