A Little Spar

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Shawn followed Tenzin and Korra to the square with the yin and yang in the middle and they stepped in. "Korra go easy on him" Korra smiled and put her fist into her hand and said "don't worry I will" Shawn smiled also and said "I guess I will also" and they got in fighting stances. Korra fire bended at him but Shawn used the force and pushed it away, he saw some rocks nearby and picked them up with the force and threw them at Korra but she threw them back.

Shawn pushed them aside and then she water bended some ice spikes at him, quickly he ignited his lightsaber and cut down ten spikes and she said "hey no fair!" Shawn retracted his blade smiled and said "opps muscle memory sorry" Korra rolled her eyes and threw regular water at him, Shawn jumped to the side in a barrel roll and landed on his feet and saw Tenzin was intrigued and then Korra held her hands up and formed bigger ice spikes which she unleashed at Shawn. He concentrated the force in his hands and with a underhand move deflected one with a loud ring and kicked it back,

Korra was surprised and Shawn sensed it also and she dissolved the spikes and then picked up a wooden pole and spun it around. Shawn saw one on the ground next to him and went to pick it up but Korra ran and swung at him, he ducked and deflected the pole with his arms and then used the force and summoned the pole and they hit back and forth but Shawn noticed her skills with it weren't that good and he ducked and hit her stick away and pointed it at her.

Tenzin clapped and said "your skills are quite admirable Shawn but Korra we'll need to work on yours" Korra said "hey I'm not the alien who can move stuff my mind" Shawn laughed and said "alien I'm not an alien". Then a girl about Aaliyah's age walked up and said "alien he looks very human",

Tenzin said "this is my daughter Jinoara" Shawn said "nice to meet you" Jinoara said "where are you from?" Shawn replied "Earth". She looked puzzled and said "that's what we call this place also" Shawn did notice the similarities but then Tenzin said "Korra come on" and they followed him away. "Admit it you cheated didn't you" Korra said nudging him, Shawn said "no i didn't cheat guess you're not as good as you thought you were" Korra scoffed and Shawn asked "so what are you training for?" Korra replied "well I'm the Avatar and I'm working on airbending right now it's a real pain" the word bending now made sense as it meant they bended the force like a Jedi to their will to control certain elements.

Tenzin asked Shawn "what allows you to summon objects?" Shawn replied "well I use an invisible energy field called the force that binds all living things and some can use it to their will" Tenzin looked intrigued and said "hm that's like the benders and nonbenders only some can bend". Then they were at some sort of circle that had wooden planks with some sort of circle symbols in the middle and were on swivels of some of sorts and there were two more children there one said "Korras gonna airbend!".

Tenzin held his hands up and some visible swirls of air were seen which Shawn thought was very unusual and blasted air at the swivels and they spun very fast, then he held up a leaf and pushed it forward with some air and said "the key is to be like the leaf flow like it and copy its movements" and Jinoara went through with her hands in a fighting stance and moved around the spinning planks before reaching the other side. Korra said "let's do this" and ran through and was hit by almost all the planks with loud bonks until falling out of the other side,

Tenzin said "I said to flow through the planks not force your way through" then he looked at Shawn and said "could you go through without difficulty" Shawn felt confident about it and said "hm I could do it blindfolded"Korra laughed and said "good luck". She walked over and tied a piece of cloth around his head covering his eyes and then Tenzin spun the planks again and Shawn readied,

Using the force he scanned the way forward while sensing any spinning at him and dashed through the planks even moving along with some and reached the other side. He removed the blindfold and Korras jaw was on the ground and she said "how'd you do that so fast?" Shawn shrugged and said "I can visualize the area with the force and can kinda see and sense with it so that's what I did" Tenzin said "impressive".
Shawn then sensed a disturbance in the force coming from Earth as if something terrible had happened somewhere where it wasn't expected and was within the last two days, Korra said "you ok?" Shawn snapped out of his trance-state and said "yeah I just need to get back to my ship" Tenzin then whistled and a unusual creature flew over.

It looked like a white bison but it had six legs and was flying, the bison landed and Tenzin jumped on and said "here I'll take you to your ship" Shawn used the force and jumped on and Korra followed."Ogi yip yip" Tenzin said and the bison took off, Shawn guided them to the spot he landed and they landed nearby and he jumped off,

As he got closer he took the decloaker remote out and uncloaked the ship and he glanced at Korra and Tenzin who both stared side eyed at the ship "oh yeah it's a cloak that bends the light around it to conceal it" Shawn said and got in, "I'll be back soon there's other stuff I have to attend to" Korra said "good luck" and he took off and flew up to the fleet in orbit.

Bridge of the Avenger
The door opened and Fida said "Hand Mendes lord Vader has requested us to accompany his fleet to Corellia" Shawn nodded and they fleet entered hyperspace.

The Jedi From Earth: A Star Wars Story #Wattys2023Where stories live. Discover now