Rebels On Naboo Coup Attempt

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The Fifth Brother spun his lightsaber around and Shawn said in his best commanding tone "surrender now or die" and ignited his own lightsaber, Ezra jumped down next to Kanan and ignited his lightsaber, then Kanan charged and Shawn met his attack but didn't want to hurt either one of them. Then the Fifth Brother attacked as well and Ezra dodged his attacks as well, Shawn saw Nash was holding what looked like a datapad of sort and pushed Kanan away and using the force pulled the datapad away and caught it. Kanan said "let's go!" And ran out with Ezra and Nash following, the Fifth Brother said into a comlink "commander shut down the spaceport and lock down sector twelve" then they pursued them.

Shawn ran outside and saw the rebels were heading toward a speeder, quickly he took out a EMP grenade and threw it at the speeder which shut it down. Kanan fired at Shawn and he dodged the bolts and augmented his speed with the force and dashed toward him and jumped kicking him back, Kanan went back a ways before Ezra charged at Shawn. Holding his hand out Shawn pushed him back and then although he didn't want to held Nash in place with the force while the Fifth Brother ran up. Kanan and Ezra went another way "stay here" the Fifth Brother said running after Kanan and Ezra. Releasing Nash Shawn asked "what're you doing here?" Nash replied "I was at home and this guy with this weird black line on his eyes said "come with me" and I said "no" so he ignited his sword or whatever and captured me" Shawn was confused how the Empire found out Nash was force sensitive and said "how'd the Rebels find you?".

Nash said "it was on Mars the uh" Shawn corrected "inquisitor" Nash snapped his fingers and said "yes inquisitor took me there and the rebels came out of nowhere and rescued me I guess" Shawn said "I can get you back home but it won't be easy the Emperor himself would have to make the final decision". After five minutes the Fifth Brother came back saying "damn rebel scum", "Inquisitor we must return him to Earth" Shawn said to the Fifth Brother who looked angered and didn't say anything for a couple seconds before saying "very well but cross me again it won't end the same".After returning Nash to Earth on a separate Star Destroyer Shawn was summoned to the Imperial Palace by the Emperor,

Imperial Palace,Coruscant May 25,2015
Shawn walked through the vast halls of the palace to the throne room, upon entering he saw a man with a bulbous cybernetic eye talking with the Emperor. "Ah Hand Mendes come closer" Palpatine said making a beckoning gesture, Shawn walked over . "You summoned me My Lord? He said as best he could, "the Inquisitor informed me you found a bounty hunter but then sent a force sensitive back to Earth" Shawn was caught off guard and stuttered "w-well my friend wouldn't be able to handle the training" Palpatine said "and yet you did what makes it different?".

Shawn replied "he wouldn't have the threat of a fleet destroying Earth" and mentally braced for any possibility as that was the first time he really had stood up to the Emperor, Palpatine chuckled almost and said to the man with the bulbous eye "see this is what we need more people who think more intuitively Cylo" Cylo replied "and I thought your agents were loyal and devoted to serving the Empire". Palpatine said "he's an exception as he isn't an Imperial citizen". Shawn asked "where will you send me now My Lord?" Palpatine replied "head to Mygetto and report any interaction between the so called Rebel Alliance and the CR" Shawn replied "as you wish".

As he walked down the long halls it was eerily quiet and empty in the palace, Shawn sensed something was wrong and heard what sounded like footsteps down another massive hall. "Who's there!" He yelled and it echoed loudly, walking down the hallway he saw several stormtroopers heading down another way "trooper where is everyone?" He asked. The trooper turned and fired at him which surprised him, Shawn ignited his lightsaber and deflected the bolts and said "what're you doing?!", then Shawn sensed someone was approaching from the right and jumped back as the attacked tried to strike him with a baton. "Don't worry men this one isn't a Sith isn't that so Hand Of The Emperor" an Imperial officer said, Shawn said "commander I'm ordering you to stand down!" In his best commanding voice "you have no authority now boy soon the Sith will be gone and a new order shall rise" Shawn wanted the Empire and the Sith gone but knew Palpatine would most likely not laugh it off, he raised his lightsaber and charged.

Then the stormtroopers fired and Shawn blocked the laser bolts before electrocuting them with lightning, the officer fired a pistol at him, Shawn blocked the bolts and spun his lightsaber deflecting the last one and force pushing the attacker away. He raised his lightsaber for the kill, Suddenly a stun bolt hit him in the back and he resisted it at first. Shawn spun around and jumped at the shooter before a rope was fired at him and wrapped around his wrists and he was yanked back, his lightsaber went another direction and his hands were still tied so he dodged the incoming stun bolts until he wrestled out of the rope.Shawn then called his lightsaber back to his hand and just before it got to him he was hit on the back of the head,

He saw spots and became disoriented almost. Shawn summoned his lightsaber back and turned around to head back to the throne room and saw around thirty stormtroopers aiming their blasters at him, augmenting his speed with the force he sprinted past them becoming a blur until a stun bolt hit him. This time it weakened him more and he slowed down almost collapsing on the steps, he panted and looked and the officer was getting closer with stormtroopers, He stood up and threw a smoke grenade down and made it to the throne room and shut the doors locking them. The Royal guards aimed their pikes at Shawn as he walked in but then lowered them, he slowly made it to the Emperor and said "my lord there's some stormtroopers in the palace targeting Imperial personnel and are being led by a commander" then the door was busted down and a stun bolt hit Shawn knocking him out.

Upon regaining consciousness he was being dragged out of the throne room where the sounds of blaster fire and force pikes rang loudly. Quickly he elbowed the stormtroopers and turned around catching the arm of one who swung at him and snapped their arm and pushed them away, the other raised their blaster at him. Shawn raised his hand and held the stormtrooper in a force choke while looking around for his lightsaber, He called it to his hand and crushed the solders throat and ran in the throne room. As he did Palpatine unleashed a massive wave of force lightning killing all the attacking stormtroopers, All the attackers fell limp and Palpatine had the attacking officer at his feet and shocked him with a blast of lightning killing instantly.

"It seems there are traitors in our midst Hand Mendes you may return home this matter will be left to the Intelligence Department". 

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