Hunt For The Plans (Part 2)

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October 1,2015

Shawn felt as if he was disoriented almost but didn't quite know how to explain it. Then he saw himself in the Jedi Temple but it looked as if it had been recently attacked, he then saw two figures one a human the other that strange humanoid creature he'd met on Dagobagh. But then Shawn noticed the corpses of children the two looked at, "not even the younglings survived" the human man said, "killed not by clones lightsaber he was" the smaller creature said, Then it went away and was replaced by something else. There were bodies smoldering in a fire as they'd turned to ash from having been burned. Then he saw this fade away and felt like he was in water, then he realized there was an oxygen mask on his face while he floated in a tank of some sort. Shawn tried to move but it was too painful, he saw two red guards were on either side but stood behind a little,

He felt himself fading again but noticed a hooded figure approaching who stopped before kneeling before him. Shawn was surprised as he'd never had someone kneel before him like that, then the figure stood up and Shawn heard a mans voice in his head, my name is Kadann Hand Mendes, he heard, where am I? Shawn replied, as of now you're on Byss in the Deep Core you were injured while pursuing the plans, Kadann said, how long have I been out?, Shawn asked, I'd say about three days, Kadann replied, why are you here?, Shawn asked, by order of the Emperor I'm to assist in the acquisition of the plans through the use of the Force, Kadann said before Shawn blacked out.

Rebel Cruiser, Liberty
"Chancellor a detachment of Phoenix battalion managed to capture the Death Star plans from a group of Kage Warriors from the Confederacy" a General said to Mon Mothma. "Bring them to the Yavin base as soon as possible" Mon Mothma replied, "ma'am there's a problem we've lost contact with them near the D'Qar system they must've been captured" the general said.

"Ugh that wasn't a smooth landing" Zeb said rubbing his head, "well there was a bit of a problem called TIE fighters Zeb" Hera said clicking a few buttons "this is Phoenix 1 to Alliance High Command we've gone down on the D'Qar system is anyone receiving this?" Hera said into the radio but there was only static. "Blast the communications relay is damaged" Hera said hitting the radio, then the door opened and Ezra slowly walked in "what happened?" He said weakly, "oh we crashed" Sabine said. "Wait we crashed?!" Ezra said alarmingly, "Don't worry just go help Kanan and Kota" Hera said sending Ezra way. He walked down the ramp outside where Kota and Kanan stood listening, "I feel it too" Kanan said.

Suddenly three dark figures emerged from the rocks, "Inquisitors!" Ezra said igniting his lightsaber. The lead one thrust his hand out and Ezra went flying back "hand over the plans" the Inquisitor said. Kanan and Kota ignited their lightsabers, the two Inquisitors ignited both blades spinning them. One was the Ninth Sister a red skinned Twi'lek, the other was the Fourth Brother a Zygerrian. The Grand Inquisitor then ignited his crossguard saber before charging.

Shawn woke up again and still hurt but at the same time felt blissful. He saw his lightsaber on a table across the room and focused on it, Kadann sat facing away meditating, Shawn concentrated to see if he could move the saber which clattered to the floor before rolling over. Kadann snatched it up and said ,impressive maintaining your skill with telekinesis even while injured hmm Lord Vader will be impressed but the Emperor even more,  A couple hours later Shawn woke up but realized he wasn't in the tank but lying on a bunk. He sat up holding his side and head as he did noticing the long scar that ran down almost his entire arm as well as the one on his side,

But he did however feel refreshed and put on a new uniform nearby struggling as he still had a limp, but he didn't have his lightsaber nor blaster . Then Shawn realized he didn't have the talisman either as he rubbed his neck, he clicked the button on the wall opening the door and the two red guards snapped to attention as he slowly walked out. Shawn limped down the halls looking for Kadann, then he sensed someone was in danger but didn't know who it was.

Then he saw Kadann sitting in the ground of a large garden levitating several stones around him, Shawn walked in but practically dragged his right leg before he was in front of Kadann and slowly sat down wincing as he did. "Impressive two days out of the tank and you don't seem any different" Kadann said out loud with a sort of Scottish accent, "where's my lightsaber an-" Shawn began but Kadann interrupted "you'll get them back but must first earn it", Shawn had figured had a degree of authority over Kadann but didn't want to sound like he was pulling rank for a petty reason. "When will I get it them back?" He asked, "one will be rewarded after you've passed a test" Kadann said.

Later that day was the test, Shawn walked into a large chamber and the door shut behind him. He looked around but saw nothing, suddenly he sensed someone was near and jumped as a flamethrower went off behind him, Shawn looked back and a heavily armored stormtrooper held a flamethrower, the trooper fired again but Shawn quickly ran up feeling the searing heat of the fire right next to his arm and ear before kicking the trooper across the head who fell to the ground. "Excellent no use of the Force whatsoever" Kadann said tossing Shawn his lightsaber and blaster which he caught,

After the test Shawn found himself wandering the halls of the citadel before walking down a dark staircase. At the bottom was a series of objects displayed on stands, he walked along looking at each one. They were stone slabs with a form of Basic he'd never seen before but he ran his finger along one line to try to read of the stone felt cold to the touch even through his glove, then he saw a sort of manuscript on stand at the far end. Upon looking at it the title wasn't in Basic but English or High Galactic a rarity in the galaxy which said "Book Of The Sith" written in creepily sharpened letters, Shawn opened it to a random page that said "Absolute Power By Darth Sidious" Shawn was initially surprised at first upon seeing Palpatine's Sith name,

"How can one who doesn't believe in his own powers stand against the power of another? It is impossible" the page said. Shawn skimmed through to another that said "The Creation Of Monsters" reading through it mentioned creatures and other organisms until it said "Of all the monsters I've created, I still regard Darth Vader as something of a minor masterpiece. No, he was not entirely alchemical creation, but he was my monster nonetheless. Even though he failed to live up to his full potential, there was much pleasure transforming Anakin Skywalker from a bright-eyed, tousle haired youth into the greatest Jedi killer of all time, Yes he ultimately turned against his Master, as monsters sometimes do, but that was my fault not his, Given the opportunity to create Vader again I would and with zeal".

Shawn was flabbergasted reading this as it seemed like a confession or affidavit of sorts, "other such creations like the Inquisitors could be considered monsters as well having their very minds altered as to make them more effective" it said after that, Shawn closed the book and quickly walked away confused by what that meant but knew something must've happened to Nash if now he was a mindless angry killing machine.

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