Part 191

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Shawn stared at Kanan's body in complete shock and disbelief, his hands shook, his breathing became as labored from running except he'd been standing still for a little bit. Vader then looked over at Shawn, "look closely Mendes, this is what happens to those who defy the Emperor" he said coldly, his mechanical voice expressing what sounded like angst or triumph. Maarek stumbled over too while dragging a very sliced up Magnaguard behind him. Vader looked at him, "I trust that you are bringing that to review it's memory core and not to tinker with it,Stele" he said with slight scorn. "I was bringing it for the memory core then tinkering" Maarek huffed out. Vader nodded ever so slightly, "very well then" he said calmly, "we must return to the Chimaera at once, I would speak with my master". Jerec then spoke up, "my lord, what about the dead?" He said while gesturing at the bodies of the Ninth Sister and Fourth Brother, then Kanan.

"Collect then dispose of them all" Vader replied then raised his hand near Kanan's body, Kanan's lightsaber then quickly flew to his hand. "The Emperor shall appreciate this gift".

********, the Ghost

The mood onboard was many things, sad, somber, quiet and depressing. Clara knew there was a lot being hidden behind Ezra's content expression but saw much on Heras saddened face. Even though she hadn't known Kanan very well or for long she knew he was a good man, he'd knowingly sacrificed himself for the safety of everyone onboard, most of all his apprentice. Both Clara and Tatiana had passed the time by switching through various Imperial frequencies and only heard updates on the last rebel holdouts in the city being destroyed or that a Grand Admiral Thrawn had now returned to the surface. After ten minutes of clicking through the frequencies Clara spoke, "just one more and that'll be it" she said with a slight sigh. Yet little did she know that the conversation she was about to hear would chill her to the core.

The frequency whistled before it was clear, "what is the status of the operation Minister?" A mans voice said, a both raspy and clipped malevolent dark voice said. Clara suddenly was intrigued yet also scared by even listening to this voice, "we have recently made some remarkable discoveries my Emperor" another clipped mans voice replied and Clara instantly realized who she and Tatiana were listening to, it was Emperor Palpatine himself. "We must discover the secrets of the temple, for even now our enemies move against us" the Emperor spoke, his voice sending chills down Clara's spine, she had never before been so scared by even listening to the sound of someone's voice. If his voice was this terrifying then being in his presence was unbearable, and Shawn had done so many times, she could not comprehend how he handled even that.

"We have reached the root of the temple and found some fascinating work, the symbols and other markings there are quite similar to those in a report I discovered in the Jedi Archives" Hyden explained in an enthusiastic tone. "The Mortis gods" the Emperor replied plainly. "Yes, I'm sure they are the key to unlocking the temple" Hyden replied. "There has been a great disturbance in the Force, the death of Kanan Jarrus has altered the fate of Lothal, though how..I cannot say" the Emperor replied, his voice still chilling Clara to the point that she had goosebumps. "Perhaps accessing the temple will provide an answer my Emperor" Hyden suggested, "we must seize the knowledge and powers within, they shall allow us to utilize a conduit between the living and the dead" the Emperor responded, "proceed Minister Hyden" He said once more before the transmission went static.

Clara threw the earpiece down and calmed herself after hearing all that. "Um..Hera" Clara said cautiously then realized she'd accidentally also put the transmission on speaker, so Hera, Ahsoka and Kota all heard what'd been said. "Yes we heard, seems the Emperor himself must be looking for something here" Kota said with interest, "though Clara I'd say your thoughts about just his voice are true-" he continued but Clara cut him off. "My thoughts? What can you read my mind or something?" She asked with confusion, she knew the Force would be something she could never fully comprehend, no matter how much she saw it demonstrated. "No, but I can sense your thoughts, and yes it seems that Shawn has faced the Emperor many times" Kota replied.

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