Paige Mackenzie Hyland: Anorexia, Letter 10

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These are my final words to you. Let them soak in.

Dear Trey,
I liked you. A lot. Every time I saw you, it was as if an explosion of butterflies had happened right in my stomach.

But I was scared to talk to you. I felt that I wasn't good enough for you. I mean, I'm also fat and ugly and I'm sure you'd never want to date someone like me, let alone even talk or look at someone like me.

I knew that you liked blonde, blue eyed, and skinny girls. At first, I was excited. Maybe I would get to have a chance with you.

But then I realized the whole "skinny" part. And I was nowhere near that description.

I figured that maybe if I lost weight, I'd be prettier and skinnier for you. I thought that if I shed my fat, we could be a couple.

But then you gave me a look of disgust. And all hope was lost.

I should've known though. A guy like you doesn't like a girl like me.

A fat girl.

So, I know you won't care. But I'm dead now.

I hope that look you gave me and my heartbreak was worth it.

Paige Mackenzie Hyland

Paige's letters are over! There are only two girls left! Who do you think is next?? Let me know down below!

Love you guys!😘😘


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