8: Going home

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{Three days later}

I wake up but don't see dad and papa and I instantly start to panic, I see a piece of paper, I check the paper and see dad's perfect handwriting.

Hey baby girl you're probably a little freaked because me and papa aren't there but don't worry we let you sleep in while we killed the ghost we love you baby girl,

Dad and papa

I grab my phone and press 1 on my speed dial and pressing call.

"Hello?" Dad's voice says.

I breathe a sigh of relief.

"Sorry I just read your note and I got freaked" I say.

"It's okay... We'll be at the motel soon and then we'll leave and go home okay?" Dad says.

"Kay love you dad" I say.

"I love you too baby girl" dad says and hangs up.

I hang up and begin packing my stuff, when I'm done packing I walk to white castle and get some Bacon cheeseburgers fries and drinks and I walk to a gas station and get their last three pieces of pie and go back to the motel room and I sit at the table and get out my phone calling Jason.

"Hello?" His gravelly voice says as if he had been woken up.

"Sorry did I wake you" I ask.

"Um yea but your voice is the first I would love to hear whenever I wake up" he says.

I giggle and blush and thank Chuck that Jason can't see me blush.

"Well I'm coming home today" I say.

"Finally! I miss you" he says.

I blush.

"I miss you too" I say.

"So how's the whole family business thing going" he asks.

"Like usual" I say.

"Oh" he says.

"Yea" I say.

"So what are you doing?" I ask.

"Sitting on my bed playing video games and waiting for you to come home" he says.

I giggle, I hear dad and papa talking outside the door and I smile.

"Hey my dads are home which means after we eat we'll leave kay" I say.

"Kay" he says.

"Bye Wolf" I say.

"Bye bee" he says.

I hang up and put my phone on the table and smile when they open the door.

"I bought white castle" I say, papa gasps happily.

"And pie" I say, dad gasps happily this time and I giggle, he reaches for all three and I smack his hand away.

"Uh-uh I get a piece you get a piece and papa gets a piece" I say, he sighs and takes one piece and we eat white castle then our pie, soon we get in the impala and go home.

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