27: Wendigo

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I sigh as we get to the woods, the family was already there, I get out with dad and papa and lean against the Impala as they talk to the family, I see a boy with them, around my age, I eye him up and down.

Cute I think.

I then see another kid but I didn't pay much attention to him.

"Are you crazy?! She's a girl!" I hear a guys voice yell, I push off the Impala.

"Yes I'm a girl. I can also hear you. Listen ass hat. I've survived multiple of these things Kay?" I scoff and cross my arms over my chest and then lean on the Impala, I hadn't taken my sunglasses off during the whole thing so the tears pricking my eyes were hidden, he opened his dirty, stinking filthy mouth again and said coldly.

"But you're still a girl. You could easily get us killed!" I growl and pull my gun from my waistband and point it near him but not at him, it only looks like its pointed at him, gasps echoed.

"Listen douchbag. I've had a bad enough day already okay? I don't need your shit when I'm trying to save your sorry ass. So what you can do. Is appreciate what I'm doing. Cause we can easily jump in this car and drive off and you're all dead. Go it?" I growl, he squints at me.

"What's wrong Lexi? Didn't get your money?" I then recognized him as this kid named Austin from school, I swallow and my grip on the gun tightens. There was a rumor around school that got spread that I have sex for money.

"Shut up" I say, he smirks.

"Oh why? Your daddy's don't know?" He says, dad and papa look at me.

"Lexi what's he talking about?" They ask, I close my eyes behind the shades and tighten my grip.

"Nothing" I say, my eyes now open.

"Your precious angel here-"

"They're all lies!" I yell at him, he glances at me and smirks.

"Has-" I storm over and grab his collar, the gun now in my waistband and my shades pushed up on top of my head.

"Say it and I swear to god I'll leave you all here to die" I growl, he smirks.

"Ooo Lexi I get all tingly when you get aggressive" he says I growl and throw him on the ground and put my foot to his throat. I push down a little.

"Lexi stop!" Papa says, but I don't.

"I don't do that. I never have and I never will. I swear to god if you lie to them and tell them I do I will personally hang you in a tree and let the wendigo get to you and eat. You. Alive" I say, he sighs a little.

"Fine. I won't say it" he says, I move my foot and he stands, coughing and rubbing his throat.

"Damn girl" he says, smirking a little, I shrug, my tattoo was showing on my abdomen and I saw him eyeing it and then raking his eyes down my body and then sorta resting on my thighs, I lick my lips a little, doing the same.

He had black hair that swooped over one eye, bright whiskey colored eyes, and a pretty good facial structure.

He was pretty cute if you actually looked at him, he clears his throat and looks away, I do the same and cross my arms.

"We should go" I said going to the trunk of the Impala and bending down to look in it, I felt eyes on me.

I bite my lip, I knew it was Austin that was staring at me, after I get everything I stand up and close the trunk.

"Let's go" I say and we all split up, dad taking the mom and papa taking the dad and other boy, I took Austin, he jumped at the offer to team up with me now.

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