26: Monster After Monster

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I sit up in my bed and yawn rubbing my eyes and stretching, wow. I finally had some sleep, I turn off my alarm clock and hum softly as I start getting dressed, I felt like today would be a good day, I continue to get dressed and straighten my hair, I jog down the stairs and into the kitchen.

"Morning" I said happily, kissing everyone's cheek, dad raises a brow, mid sip of his coffee.

"Who are you and what have you done with my daughter?" He says, I giggle softly.

"I'm just happy" I said sitting down and starting to eat.

"I woke up and I felt great" I add.

He smiles and leans on his elbows.

"I gotta go to school" I say, standing up after I finish my breakfast and kissing everyone's cheek before finally leaving and getting in my car.

I get out at the school and make sure my gun is in my waistband, I nod and slip on my jacket to hide it then start walking into the school, my tattoo was showing on my hip bone but I didn't care, no one knew what it meant except my cousins, I pull my hair over my shoulder and go to my locker, I grab my books and then close my locker and go to first period, smiling and waving at multiple people.

I check my phone when it vibrates.

Dad: Sorry baby girl, we got another case, we need you to check out at around 11:30

Me: Okay dad

Dad: Alright love you

Me: Love you too

I put my phone away and go to Mythology and sit in the front like always.

"Good morning class and today we will be learning about Wangels" Mrs. Truman said, I gulp.


"Anyone know anything about them?" I raise my hand a little.

"Yes Lexi?" She says.

"Uh... they lure someone in for six months before they kill them" I say, leaning forward a little, a heard a few chuckles and paper footballs his the back of my neck, I grit my teeth and turn around.

"Why don't ya tell about the witches? Oo. Oo. Or maybe the shapeshifters" some lame jock says in a girly voice, I glare and pick up the paper football and flick it back at him, it hits him in the face.

"Why don't you go fuck yourself" I growl and his friends 'ooo' and laugh, I roll my eyes and turn around.

"Lexi!" Mrs. Truman scolds.

"Oh... no I'm good. Why don't you go fuck your faggot family?" He says and I stiffen.

"Justin!" Mrs. Truman gasps loudly, I growl and stand up quickly.

"Say something else about my family and I swear to god I'll kill you!" I snarl, he crosses his arms.

"Hit a nerve did I?" He smirks.

I don't say anything.

"You know Lexi? God frowns upon gays. They're against nature" he says again, tears prick my eyes and I growl.

"You don't know anything about god!" I say, he raises a brow.

"Oh and you do?" He says.

"Actually I do!" I growl, he stands.

"You're whole family is full of same-gender fuckers and sinners" he says in my face, I growl loudly and slap him as hard as I could, everyone 'ooo's.

"Dude! You just got bitch slap!" His friends say, I pant heavily and grab his collar.

"Say one more thing about my family and I will end you" I snarl, my glare hard, he smirked.

"I did hit a nerve" he says, I clench my jaw.

"You're not worth going to prison" I say dangerously and lowly, dropping him and letting him fall to the floor, I kneel and grab his face as he gasps for air.

"But keep this in mind" I whisper coldly and get close.

"You say one more thing about them. Any of them and we're not in school. I will slit your throat faster than you can think about calling for help" I drop his face and look at the time.

11:30 am

On the dot, I grab my books.

"I have to go Mrs. Truman. Family issue" I say and walk out, I get to my locker and put everything in there before slamming it and locking it, then going to the office and signing myself put, I get in my car and grip the steering wheel, I start crying softly.

Covering my mouth as my soft cries become sobs, I put my head on my wheel and close my eyes, thinking over everything.


The hunting life.



I eventually calm down and drive home, making sure it doesn't seem like I've been crying, I get out and walk in sighing a little.

"I'm home" I say, dad comes out of the kitchen.

"Get to packing. We're going camping" he says, I sigh.

"Wendigo?" I ask, he nods.

I sigh and go to start packing, licking my lips a little and packing my shorts and jeans, I zip my back and go downstairs and nod.

"Okay I'm ready" I say, they nod and we leave.

"The girls are with mom and dad until we get back" dad says, I nod and we get in his car instead of mine.

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