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      It's a part of life. Something, which to most of us comes naturally. We laugh because something tickles us inside, like a comedic action or remark or when someone tickles us physically. Sometimes we even laugh, just for the sake of laughing, because the act just makes us feel good inside.

     We all want someone in our lives that makes us laugh, sometimes without even trying. That knows how to pick us up and put the smile back on our on our faces even when it seems impossible. To make us smile so wide that our lips hurt and we feel like grinning idiots.

      We take it for granted, though. The fact that we can laugh in life. We take for granted the time that we can be happy and share the happiness with our loved ones. Nothing lasts forever right? We take it for granted because we don’t always appreciate it at the time, but when you don’t have a reason to laugh, you’ll realize then, what an effect, a simple action can have on you.

     Take it from me, I have felt that way. I have lost my reason to laugh, my reason to smile, my reason to be happy. It’s kind of what happens when your life crumbles into pieces so small that trying to pick it back up is a problem of its own. Like one of those puzzles with so many pieces it seems impossible to put together again. But then when you get the happiness back, it’s like you have finally completed that puzzle.I’m sure I don’t have it the worst, that other peoples’ case are more heart-wrenching than mine, but to me. It’s hard and painful. Especially, when you have to do it alone and I’ve been doing just that, for three stupid years straight.

     You might be wondering who the hell I am. Well this ‘I’, is Delaney St Claire. I know the name just screams ‘stuck-up socialite’ right? Well that’s because that was me, well the socialite part, not so sure about being stuck-up. Maybe other people thought I was though.I grew up surrounded by maids and butlers catering to my every need, diamonds and pearls as early gifts and designer clothes and the trendiest hairstyles as I went into my teenage years. It’s amazing how now, this all seems so weird to me. That image does not fit me any more; I am different now, all because my life took an interesting turn of events.

        Firstly, I no longer live with my parents for reasons you’ll find out in due time. I live in a practically dilapidated apartment block in an abandoned industrial lot on the outskirts of London – it’s far from nice but when you have no choice, you have no choice.  Besides, there’s nowhere else for me to go.

        I’m nineteen and dropped out of school when I was seventeen and I worked as a waitress to get some source of income. My dream though, was to attend the Guildhall School of Music and Drama, study drama and maybe become an actress; but if you knew my dilemmas, you’d understand when I’d say I was never going to go there. Sucks, right?

       If you were wondering what I look like I’ll give you a brief description. During the bad days, people would see me as the girl with the wavy brown hair and dead hazel eyes. I probably wasn’t always that may, I guess misery has it’s way of taking it’s toll on a person. Hmm, what else to say? Oh I’m small, very short and quite slim also. I’m not anorexic or anything, it’s just food and I have never really had a great relationship. My best feature? Nothing to be honest, but when I was younger people used to tell me that I had a beautiful smile which and I quote could ‘light up’ a room but in all honesty, I couldn’t remember what my smile looked like. It’s been so long since I’ve genuinely smiled.

       Personality-wise, I wouldn’t describe myself as the positive individual, not at all. I wouldn’t regard myself as particularly friendly either. Also I’m not sure if you’re familiar with the feeling of depression; but the word sums me up in a nutshell. Well, it might’ve at a time – until I met him.

        Ah, getting to the part I’m sure you all wanted to know. Well, I’m going to warn you right now, that nothing that happens is smooth-sailing with a bunch of clichés tossed in. No, I’m telling you now that everything that happened was weird and unorthodox.

        To kick it off, to be honest, I did not like him when we met nor did I find a hint of potential in us becoming more than just unimportant acquaintances. Sure, he was admittedly cute and did have a smile and way with words that made you want to melt inside but, it wasn’t that that I put into consideration. No, it was that annoying tone of sympathy in his distinctive Doncaster accent that brought about my dislike of him and I remember making that clear to him; hoping that our first encounter, would be our last.

      The thing about him though, was that he annoyingly persistent and stubborn and wasn’t too good at taking hints. He had this way of winding me up so much too draw emotions out of me whether good or bad. He had this may of leading me in and no matter how hard I tried to stick my ground, he always found a way to break down the walls, I put up. He always found a way to take away my cold exterior and realized that I did, in fact; have a heart. 

     He decided to pry, oh and return my bracelet to me. He decided he’d try and get to know me better, try to figure me out, try to understand me in a way that I didn’t want him to; that I didn’t want anyone too. But he did anyway. It’s hard to resist him for long and eventually let him in because I was smart.

       Sometimes, even without intending to do so, people can come into your life and change it for the better. Make it worth living, give you back your reason to laugh and smile and be happy. You can mould into a different person and because you’re not alone, you can slowly but surely all the pieces that could have crumbled into dust. You can have new morals, new norms, a new principle to live by.

      To be honest, I am lucky, very lucky. Looking back, I’m glad he pried when he did. I’m glad he was a stubborn and, at the time, an annoying guy. I’m glad my walls fell down, because now, I have this story. The story of how I once again, learned how to laugh.

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Dedicated to @niallsbestie

- Stephanie, xo.

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