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24  -  h a p p y  / /  l o u i s 

      HAPPINESS. That was what I was positive my life was full of. The last three weeks had been some of the best I’d had in such a long time. It was funny how my happiness started with such a huge sadness. I couldn’t believe how good helping someone could make you feel. Even with the effort it’d taken. It had taken a lot of work, but I could safely say that Delaney and I were; and continuously becoming, friends. But, it was worth it, although it surprised me; how close we’d gotten over the last couple of weeks.

      As May turned into June, I could see the progress in our friendship. I’d see her most days because I always tried to visit the café since she started going back to work, and every-time I saw her, I felt different, and she was different. She had an extra sparkle in her irises, a little more spring in her step, a more genuine glow in her smile, and that made me happy. Delaney may have started off as a means of getting over my break-up and a case I needed to crack, but before I knew it she had become so much more than that. She had become a real friend, one that I hadn’t had any intention to ever lose. The more I go to know her, find out her quirks and realize her flaws, the more I was drawn towards her. She was such an interesting character, with so many sides and puzzle pieces to her, that putting it all together was both exciting and challenging; but slowly it was getting easier.

    Nowadays, I never had to tread too carefully around her. She was more open with me. She always seemed happy to see me. It was shocking when at first, she’d smile widely and even attempt to hug me whenever I came to see her and I couldn’t express how happy I was with that. I guess the worse was over for us in our unorthodox relationship.

       At least, I hoped it was as I didn’t want to lose her again, or do something to spoil the great thing we had going on. I’d decided to not confront her about the anti-depressant pills. I did not want to upset her or put any unnecessary stress on her, especially when she was doing so well. I also didn’t want to put anymore worry on myself, so I let the issue slide. I had a feeling I’d get the answer to all my questions someday, and I was willing to wait. Delaney was worth it, and more.

        I had been right that day when we first met. She had been putting this cold exterior up and it was slowly starting to crumble. She was no longer the sarcastic, pessimistic and mean individual I’d thought her to be. She was smart, kind and funny. She got easily flustered and could talk for England. She even gave me a run for my money. She seemed more of what she looked like. Innocent and sweet, and she finally seemed to enjoy life.

       She was growing, and as was I. I’d somehow mustered enough courage to actually reply to Eleanor’s voicemail of over a month ago. She was surprised when I’d called, our conversation short and brief. I couldn’t say it didn’t hurt hearing her voice after so long, knowing that we weren’t together but all the same, I felt good. I had finally reached some kind of closure. There were no hard feelings and that seemed fine with me.

     I was starting to get over her. It was a slow process, but I was eventually getting there, and it didn’t go unnoticed. The boys caught on immediately and were pleased that I was ‘back to being me’. Everyone in management, and even the fans could see the changes in my performances and my general attitude. It seemed like everything that had happened, bettered me as a person.

      The only flaw in the amazing three weeks was the press and the paparazzi. Delaney and I had hung out a lot and it didn’t fail to spark the curiosity of the media. I’d already seen the pictures from that day at the beach, and even pictures that went as far back as our first hang-out in the park. There weren’t any from the café since it wasn’t a very popular place in the town, so that was lucky.

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