( 25 )

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25  -  l o s t  m e m o r i e s  / /  d e l a n e y 

     "NO, do you really have to go?" Rosie pleaded, her eyes shining adorably as her, Louis, Annabelle and I approached my flat. I smiled and giggled at the little girl and nodded.

     "I'm afraid so Rosie, I've got work tomorrow." I told her as we stopped just by the road that led up to my apartment block. If I was honest, I didn't want to leave either. I had the most amazing day with these little girls, they were the sweetest thing ever. 

      We'd gone to this waterpark that my family used to go to when I was a lot younger. It was kind of for the 'rich and famous' of London and it brought back so many childhood memories, both good and bad. My parents never really paid much attention to me, they were usually busy with business calls or something else that would distract them from having real family time with me. 

       Today though, was a nice change. I had fun splashing about and going on huge slides. Afterwards we'd gone for ice-cream and talked in this cute little ice-cream parlour until it was late. Now, I had to head home while Louis took the girls home and I was going to miss them. 

      "I wish you didn't have to, you're the funnest!" Annabelle said and her sister nodded in agreement. I felt my heart melt by their cuteness and the fact that they actually liked me. They actually thought I was nice and fun and a pleasure to be around. I hadn't felt like that in a while, well with anyone besides Louis of course. This was great to experience.

      I knelt down to their level and smiled happily. "Thank you girls, I've had lots of fun with you too, it's been great seeing you and I hope we'll see each other again soon!" I told them and they nodded animatedly at the idea, making my smile widen.

     "We hope so too." Rosie says genuinely. "But can we hang out with you and Louis, you're both just the nicest grown-ups ever! " she added and I looked behind them to see said boy, leaning against a lamp-post, waiting for the girls and I to finish our good-byes.

      I averted my gaze back to the sweethearts and nodded ruffling their incredibly silky locks, a smile increasingly growing on my lips. "Of course, it wouldn't be half as fun without him now, would it?" I responded and we all shared a snigger.

    "Um Delaney...are you guys going out? Cause mummy told us that Louis was with a very nice girl" Rosie began to say before she was nudged by her sister. I raised an eyebrow, an awkward laugh escaping my lips.

      "No dear, we're just friends" I reassured her, rising up to my full height, casually smoothing down my jacket. Rosie sighed.

      "Really...you guys just seem like the perfect couple!" Annabelle spoke up and her sister nodded for emphasis. "Do you like him then?" Annabelle then asked and I could feel the heat rising my cheeks at this sudden change in subject and tried to not look so flustered by the little girls' prying questions.

       "Girls, this really isn't a topic up for discussion at the moment, besides, I'm sure you're mum will be getting worried, it's getting late." I told them quickly and grabbed their small dainty hands and gently ushered them back over to Louis.

      "Well, you girls set then?" he said to Annabelle and Rosie before shooting me a smile.

      Before the little girls could answer, I nodded abruptly. "Yeah, I think they're...um...ready to go..." I responded for the two girls, my voice coming out a little shaky. Louis raised a brow at my behaviour and stepped forward to reach for my hand but I swiftly stepped back.

      "You okay Delaney?" he asked me and I nodded, offering him a smile.

     "Yeah...yeah...I'm fantastic, just a little tired." I said, pretending to stifle a yawn before letting another smile grace my lips. "Thanks for the fantastic day, you're really amazing, see you tomorrow yeah?" I spoke hurriedly and he simply nodded, the suspicion clear in his bright blue eyes.

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