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4 - f a n g i r l s / / l o u i s

I watched the girl walk away, shaking my head in disbelief at her rather blunt attitude but decided to leave the thought aside for a moment, even though I knew she would surely come to mind once again. When she was out of sight, I turned to leave myself but after a quick peek from behind the trees, I noticed that some fan-girls were still lurking round with their signature 1D t-shirts and posters and any other merchandise they could lay their hands on.

Honestly, I loved our fans, they were amazing. They were the reason we were as big as we were and the boys and I were really grateful for having such a strong fanbase but seriously; when I had gone out this morning, it was to clear my head and I guess I really hadn't considered the fact that some fans knew our every move -- how? I have no idea. It didn't matter much thought, the reason for my going out hadn't even been fufilled because I couldn't stop thinking about her.

I still couldn't wrap my head around the fact that Eleanor and I weren't together anymore. I mean when we were dating, seeing each other wasn't something that happened every day like with regular couples. We could only see each other at times because of our busy schedules but we had made it work. I thought our relationship was going pretty well and the fans had been great about it except for the few who were really nasty.

I never knew she was so sensitive about their comments. If she had been, why didn't she just come talk to me about it? Even though she was going to go away on this trip, I thought we could have at least tried to make it work and have a long distance relationship.

It made we wonder if all this was actually because of school and fans or if she was just looking for an easy way to call it quits with me; which I wouldn't understand because I'd tried being the best boyfriend I possibly could, honestly. Seriously at times, girls were so confusing.

Like take the one I'd helped today. I hadn't done anything to remotely offend her, or provoke her at all, not intentionally anways, yet she decided to be exceptionally horrible to me for absolutely no reason. I didn't even know her, I think and the looks of it, she didn't know who I was either which was quite strange.

She had seemed a little familiar to me though. There was something familiar about her face that I couldn't quite place. I may have seen her somewhere before. One thing about her though, was that I could tell that her attitude wasn't the real her, I could tell that there was something off about her personality. If you saw her, you'd never expect for her to speak to you in such a manner. Her aura was pleasant enough, but it seemed like she was trying to hide a part of her; a part of her that she had buried underneath the cold exterior.

I don't know why I was overthinking this so much. I had much more important things to be bothered about. Nonetheless, I really did mean what I said to her. She was quite unusual, but in an interesting and fascinating way.

In all my years on earth I'd never really quite met an individual like her. Most people around me usually carried optimistic spirits and smiled a lot; but for the entire time I was with her, I think the closest she came to smiling was a smirk and really, that's not a smile at all. I felt like I wanted to know her better, but I doubted that it would actually happen.

I had little time to dwell on the disappointing fact as my thoughts were interrupted by a sharp ring from my phone in my pocket. The ringtone filled the already noisy air and I retrieved it quickly before tapping the sleek black screen and the phone to my ear. "Hello" I said into the cellular device and I heard a relieved sigh from the other end.

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