Chapter 9: Swimming Trunks and Bezzie Mates

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Niall was pacing back and forth in his hotel room, consulting us boys as to which trunks he should pack.

"Pick the blue speedos," Louis said.

"No! What I see her and Mr Downstairs cranes his neck to have a luck!" he protested.

We all laughed. Niall never liked to use dirty language like boner. He's also one of those no-sex-before-marriage guys which we all respect.

"Niall, pick the blue knee-leg trunks," I said.

"You sure, what are you guys wearing?"

"My speedos," Louis said.

"My black thigh length tight trunks," Liam said.

"Can you remeber those trunks I wore on Sydney Harbour? Those," I said.

"Err... I'm just gonna sit on the side," Zayn said.

Zayn never learnt to swim and now he's too afraid to learn.

"Oh, ok. I'll wear the blue ones then," Niall said, throwing them in his swim bag.

"Goood are we-"

Just as I was about to finish my sentence, Lucy, Jess and Lily came barging through the door, and Lucy ran up to the couch and jumped on it bouncing. She swung her arms up in the air as she hummed a little tune to herself.

"What the hell happened to her?" I asked, staring at my now mental girlfriend.

"Well for one, she's just finished writing her new single and second she's found out that Tom Daley is in town for the World Championships," Jess said.

"So does that mean that Emma is with him?" I asked.


"And she wrote a new song?"

"Indeedey I did Mr Styles!" Lucy said jumping off the sofa. "Do you guys wanna here a bit?"

We all nodded eagerly.

"Hey Jess, do you think you'd be able to play piano and Lily can you play drums?"

The girls nodded. Niall hadthe music room so there was almost every type of instrument you could think of. Lucy grabbed the electric guitar.

"You girls ready... One, two, three."


They finished the song and looked over to the boys who had their mouth dropped. I stood up and walked over to Luce and hugged her.

"That was brilliant babe," I said.

"Thanks, but can we go now? We didn't buy our new bikinis for nothing you know!"

I laughed.

"Course babe."



The boys and I were sprawled out on the sunbeds, waiting for the girls to come out of the changing rooms. Liam, Louis and Zayn had inviited their girlfriends too, but they were all going out on a shopping spree in Oxford Street together. I looked over at Niall who suddenly got wide eyes. I looked at where he was looking. Holy shit.

It was Lucy, Lily and Jess, and they all looked smoking. Lily had a full purple costume on, Jess was wearing a Olive colour tankini and my girl... She had this leopard print bikini on that showed off her curves amazingly. Niall couldn't take his eyes off Jess. They walked over to us.

"Hey," Lucy said.

"Hiya beautiful," I replied.

She shook her head and sat on my lap. I moved my mouth to her ear.

"You're making it really hard for me to wait for tonight babe," I whispered.

I felt her shiver.

"Hmm... I can tell by the way you're little friend is rubbing against my arse," she chuckled.

I hadn't noticed the bulge in my trunks until now. Oh shit.

"Hey, how come you guys haven't been noticed yet?" Jess asked, pulling out of deep conversation with Niall.

"We have it's just that no one is allowed to approach us. We have body guards everywhere though," I said, poiting to the bulky men in black dotted all around the park.

"Ahhhhhh!" Lucy screamed.

She jumped up and started running and I looked where she was going. She was hugging a girl? What? Who- Emma.

"Harry, come here! You too Jess and Lil!"

Me and the girls got up and walked over to her. There was Emma and Lucy smiling like Cheshire cats and Tom was stood next to Emma, his arm around her waist.

"Hi mate," Tom said, holding out a hand for me to shake.

"Hey. Hi Emma."

"Hi Harry? How are you?" she asked.

"I'm ok thanks."

"Good, anyway why are you guys here? When I spoke to you on the phone you were in San Francisco?" Emma asked turning back to Lucy.

"Oh, I was missing Harry so I've rescheduled all my tour dates for 2 months time."

Emma smiled.

"And who are these 2?" she asked, reffering to Jess and Lily.

"Oh, this is Jess and this is Lily. Jess is Nialls girlfriend," I said.

"I am not!" Jess protested, her cheeks turning crimson.

"Hi I'm Lily," the other girl introduced herself. "Can I just say I loved your floor routine at last years Olympics. It was incredible."

"Thanks Lily. Are you a gymnast?"

"I'm the best in the south under 16's."

"Awesome. I was best in the midlands when I was your age, so keep it up."

Lily smiled and Lucy turned to me.

"You go back to the boys, I'm gonna hang out with Em and Tom for a bit," she said.

"Can't I come with you?" I asked."I don't really like Tom, he keeps looking at you weird."

"What? Oh fine. Jess, Lily will you guys be ok hanging out with the boys?" Lucy asked.

"Yeah sure, see you guys later!" Jess said, her and Lily going back to the boys on the sunbeds.

I grabbed Lucy's hand, noticing the stares from Tom. Emma was wearing a deep blue tankini and her and Lucy were in deep convo. Tom was getting bored.

"Hey! How about we have a catch up tonight, 8 o'clock at Nandos?" Tom said.

"Yeah, that's fine with me, will you be ok Harry with that?" Lucy said.

"Yeah, I'm sure we can fit it in, but we have a concert tomorrow at 2pm so we'll have to leave at about 5am if we're going out."

"Yep I can do that!"

"Great! Now are you guys coming on the Splash Lander?" Emma asked.

Lucy nodded and squealed, and we began the long trek up the stairs to the top of the slide...





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