Chapter 23: Drunken Sex

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We were all sat in the lounge, laughing and joking. Lucy was upstairs with Niall and Jess. We heard talking and we all turned to see the three walk in. Lucy smiled at me. I patted the spot next to me on the Loveseat and Lucy came and sat down, snuggling into my chest. Niall and Jess sat down on the floor next to Lou and El. Danielle and Liam were on the regular couch next to Zayn and Zara, Tom and Emma were on the other Loveseat and Elle and Kenzy were sat in the two suspended ceiling chairs.

"Right guys, I have an announcement," Zara said.

Everyone turned to look at her as she stood up, Zayn's hand in hers.

"I'm pregnant," Zara said.

"That amazing Z!" Lucy said.

"But..." Zara looked at Zayn to continue.

"It's triplets," Zayn breathed.

We all looked at them, astounded. Lucy stood up and ran and hugged Zara, as well as Kenzy, Elle and Emma. I stood and bro-hugged Zayn.

"Congrats mate," I said.

"Thanks," he said.

"It's the first Directioner baby!" Eleanor said. "What are you having?"

"Two boys, one girl."

"Eep! You gotta call one Cody!" Danielle said.

"And one Izac!" Liam said.

"And call the girl Spero," Lucy said.

Everyone looked at her confused.

"It's the Latin word for hope. I studied it at school," Lucy explained.

"Cody, Izac and Spero. I like it," Zayn said.

"Me too," Zara smiled.

Everyone congratulated them and went and sat down again.

"So, what does everyone else wanna call their kids? You can choose a boys and a girls name between you and your partner. In Kenzy and Elle's place, you guys can choose one each. Ok?" Danielle said.

We all nodded and everyone started whispering.

"So, what do you want us to call our kid?" I asked Lu.

"Ours? Who says I wanna have my babies with you?" she smirked.

"Well, I know I want you to be the mummy of my kids."

"I know, I'm only joking with you Styles. Tell you what, I'll think of a girls name and you think of a boys name."

"Ok, everybody ready?" Danielle asked. "Ok, Eleanor and Louis. Well go clockwise from there."

"Taylor and Freddie."

"Addi and Haley," Niall and Jess said.

"Cody, Izac and Spero," Zayn and Zara laughed.

"Olivia and Benny," Tom and Emma said.

"Mercedes and Deano," Kenzy said.

"Sofia and Lorenz. They're Swedish names," Elle said.

"Jacob and Viola," Liam and Danielle said.

Everyone turned to look at Lucy and I.

"Robbie," I said.

"As in Robbie Williams?" Danielle laughed.

"Yeah! Guys, he's an icon!"

I could see Lucy thinking it through in her head.

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