Chapter 12: Oh My God

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"Emma! The paramedics and Police are here!"

I spun around and there was Tom, running towards us with a few doctors and Police behind him.

"Miss, Sir, will you please stand up and go over there," the paramedics asked Harry and I.

"No way! I'm not leaving her!"Harry protested.

"Harry, if you want the best for Lucy you have to do as they say!" I said, standing up and holding out a hand for him.

He looked at me then at Lucy. He kissed my best friends forehead before grabbing my hand and I yanked him up. I pulled him out of the way. The Police pinned Leo and the paramedics attended to Lucy. I hugged Harry and let him cry on my shoulder.

"It's gonna be ok, I promise."

The Police stood up with Leo in handcuffs. Harry pulled out of our hug and gave him a death glare. Tom obviously noticed and put a hand on Harry's stomach.

"I hope you fucking rot in that prison cell!" Harry yelled at Leo.

Leo gave him an evil glare as he was shoved into the Police Van. The paramedics lifted Lucy up on a stretcher after.

"One of you can come with her, but hurry," the doctor said.

"I'll go. Harry you take your car, Tom stay here."

Harry looked at me, wanting to protest.

"I promise I will look after her Harry."

He nodded, the tears still falling down his cheeks. I clambered into the ambulance while the boys ran off down the road. I sat down next to Lucy and held her hand. She had an oxygen mask on her and she had wires all over. There were paramedics running around her.

"Come on Luce. You can do it. Imagine Harry. Imagine how happy he's gonna be when he finds out your alive. Imagine the relief I'm gonna get when I find out I haven't lost my best friend," I said, tears falling from my eyes. "Please hold on."

We arrived at the hospital in record time, and the paramedics rushed Lucy straight in. We sprinted through endless corridors until we arrived at the door. Lucy was wheeled through the doors and a female doctor waited with me.

"Please wait here," she said.

"What's happening?" I asked.

"Miss Star has had to go in for emergency surgery. The knife has been dug in pretty deep."

"What are the chances she will live?"

"In estimate, the chances she will live are extremely slim. I highly suggest if she has any other family you call them now."

I nodded and the nurse left. A few minutes later, Harry arrived, frantically running over to me.

"Where is she? Where's my baby?" He asked.

"Harry calm down," I said, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"I can't calm until I know where she is."

"Harry, they've taken her in to emergency surgery. The nurse says that it's highly unlikely that she's going to live."

He looked at me stunned, trying to take it all in. He collapsed to the floor in a heap of tears. I knelt down and rubbed his back.

"I have everything in the world Emma, but the one thing that is the most precious thing is ripped away from me," he cried between sobs.

I hugged him, letting the tears fall down both of our faces. We stayed like that until a doctor walked out of the room Lucy was taken into. Harry stood up.

"What's happened?" He asked desperately.

"Miss Star was pronounced dead at the scene," the doctor said sadly.

Harry broke down in tears again, the water flowing down his cheeks. I threw my hand up to my mouth, the tears falling down my cheeks. We spun around and the boys, Jess, Lily and Tom were coming down the corridor.

"What happened?" Tom asked.

"She's gone," I whispered, crying into his torso as he hugged me.

I looked at Harry, who was crying on the floor the boys hugging him and trying to console him. Nothing could take away this pain he had.

"Are you serious?" Jess stuttered.

"Would you like to see her one last time Mr Styles?" The doctor asked Harry.

He stood up and nodded, his shakes almost unbelievable.

"Can Emma come too? They were best friends."

The doctor nodded and I pulled away from Tom and walked over to Harry and the doctor. The doctor pushed open the door and we entered a large white room. He walked over to a blue curtain.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" The doctor asked.

"Yea, I have to see her beautiful face once more," Harry said.

The doctor pulled back the curtain and Harry and I braced ourselves for what we were going to see.

"You didn't think you were getting rid of me that easily did you?"

Oh. My. God.



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