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So, Live For The Moment is coming to a close :(. There are only about 10 chapters left. I don't know about you, but I really enjoyed this book and it's been the most interesting and fun books I've written on Wattpad so far.

I was just wondering if you guys would be interested in a sequel or a prequel to this book? Like I said, I've had a blast coming up with plot lines and story lines for this book, but I feel that if I continue it for too long you guys will get bored of it and I really don't that to happen.

I would really like to write a follow up book to Live for the Moment, but there isn't any point if nobody is gonna read it. If you could leave your thoughts in the comments section that would be great.

And while I'm going on, I would appreciate it more than you know it if you could go back through the book and like the pages you haven't yet. It would mean alot to me as I am trying to get my goal of votes up to 150 and I am currently on 136.

Like I say, I wanna thank all you Babey Cakes for the support you have given with this fan fic and I hope that you enjoy the rest of it.

Don't forget: VOTE AND COMMENT!!!!!!!!!! :)


Loobydoobey xxxx

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