2 (Herobrine)

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Hey, I know I said I would update yesterday, but I totally forgot about the final tests this morning! so I was up all night studying... Meh.


As soon as the doors were open, I had noticed 4 things.

1) There was a large rectangle of what appeared to be… diamond? That had a material that was neither gas, solid, or liquid. It seemed to be made of light.

2) There was a guy climbing out of the ‘thing’ (I mentally made a note to call it ‘the rectangle’ from now on, because I had nothing better.) I did not know this guy.

3) The guy appeared to have no irises or pupils and his eyes were glowing.

4) The guy was holding a sword. A very sharp sword at that.

Also known as, this guy was the exact description of Herobrine. This was a non-blocky Herobrine, but he was twice as scary looking.

I scrambled around my room, fumbling for something that I could use as a weapon. Ironically enough, I ended up holding a model of an enchanted Minecraft sword that I had made last week. I pointed it at him, he took a step back. Weird, I thought. Began moving backwards again, and in all my haste to get away, I tripped over my rolling desk chair and fell.

I closed my eyes, and waited for his attack.

It never came.

Feeling daring, I opened my eyes a bit. He was still there, but he was holding out a hand to help me up.

We locked eyes for a moment.

I took his hand. I know, it was probably a very stupid idea, but it was the only one I had at the moment.

He pulled me up and gave a small, kind smile.

“Hi.” He mumbled.

You know you’ve gone crazy when your favorite videogame villain comes OUT of the game and is now suddenly nice.

“Ummm… Hi?” I had not meant for that to sound like a question.

I have never had a more awkward moment in my life, but that’s just what happens when you try to stab someone with a foam sword.

I gave up on the awkwardness and walked over to ‘the rectangle’. I reached out to touch it, I was very curious as to what it actually was.

“I wouldn’t touch that if I was you.” The boy’s voice was quiet from behind. I turned slightly. I could now see that he looked about 16 or 17.

“What is it then?” I was seriously curious.

He looked at me oddly. “It’s a portal” he said slowly. “You know, like how you get to the Nether, or the End?”

I stared. It seemed like this guy could be straight out of Minecraft, for all I knew.

“On another note, who are you?”

He straightened up and said as if he had memorized this. (looking back, it would not have been that hard...)

“I am Herobrine.”

You, Me, and the Blockhead (A Minecraft Fanfic) ~(COMPLETE)~Where stories live. Discover now