Go WIth It

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‘Well, I guess I’ll be staying awhile’

Lisa POV

My head snapped up as I heard footsteps on the stairs. I had totally forgotten about my mom. I lived with her most of the time, science my parents were divorced. My dad lived across the state, so we didn’t see much of him. I turned to Herobrine, panicking. Mom could not know that someone from a video game was living in our house. I would be shipped off to the loony bin for sure, with Jason in tow.

“Go!” I hissed, shoving him back in the closet. He was stuffed inside and I had just shoved the doors closed when my mom appeared in the doorway, looking slightly worried.

“Is everything alright? I thought I heard Jason yell.”

“Everything’s OK, mom. Jason just found something really cool in his game.”

Mom seemed to accept the excuse, and nodded to herself. “Well, I’m heading off to work, Lisa is in charge.”

I nodded, this was daily occurrence. Mom had a full time job at a car dealership, and in the summer, I was the babysitter for my little brother until about 10:00 PM when Mom came home. I am so glad that it is summer. For the rest of the year we are at school, meaning we can’t derp around and play Minecraft all day.

My mom said goodbye and we waited a full 3 minutes after she had left to pull Herobrine out of the closet. We explained why Mom couldn’t know that he was here, and he was very understanding about it.

“So, who do you think did this?” I asked.

Herobrine gave me a weird look. “Why, my beloved prankster of a brother, of course.”

I stared at him blankly. There were too many different stories and myths about who Herobrine's siblings actually were, and I didn’t want to guess.

He saw the look on my face and face palmed. “Notch of course!”

I should have known… Notch was one of the most common appearances in Herobrine myths.

“Oh.” I said. “Why?”

He rolled his eyes. “One, because he’s my brother. That’s his job, to annoy me. Two, he thinks that living in the Nether makes me ‘antisocial’ or something. Personally, I don’t give a crap.”

I sighed. “Do you have any way of communicating with him? At all?”

He shook his head. “I guess he wants me to just go with it. It wouldn’t be the first time he’s done this, but I got out pretty quick. Last time, I was in New York.”

The look on his face made me say “You’re in Cleveland, Ohio now.”

He nodded and sat on my big fluffy awesome chair. “What now? I mean, obviously, Notch is going to make me wait this out for a while, otherwise he would have let me come back by now. I think he thinks that I need to stay awhile.”

I shrugged. “No clue. I suppose that for now, we’ll just kind of go with it.”

Sorry for the wait :( I'll not be updating this weekend, My cousin is getting married :D so yay.

Please go check out my youtube channel!!! It's called Herobrine's Army, it's a gaming channel, and I WILL BE DOING A VLOG AND SHOWING MY FACE N STUFF so please go check it out!

Peace out!

-Becca (Yup, That's my name!!)

You, Me, and the Blockhead (A Minecraft Fanfic) ~(COMPLETE)~Where stories live. Discover now