Chapter 9 i think...

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  • Dedicated to Pie.


What Notch had just seen could not be put into words. He grabbed his pick and ran for the mines. He needed those diamonds, and fast.

(You thought I would tell you? AWW HELL NAW I will actually release it once this book is done and I’m working on the SEQUEL… What? Yeah, sequel! Just because it’s spoilery.)


Herobrine was furious. He had barely escaped the large rush of emotions that gained his reputation as Herobrine: Killer of everything. Just the thought of his white eyes made most people running for cover. He swung the pick, seeing a blue shine underneath. He eagerly hacked away at the diamonds, surprised when he saw his brothers face behind the rock.

“I came to help. You need those diamonds.” Notch said, handing his brother 4 of the shiny blue rock.

Herobrine already had 5 in his backpack. He grinned and stuffed the four diamonds in with the others.

9 down, 9 to go.



Lisa sat in her bed, wondering.

Why did she miss Hero so much? It couldn’t have been that she liked him. Herobrine was famous for not liking anyone! Surely he didn’t like her back.

Lisa fell asleep with troubled thoughts clouding her brain.


Herobrine did not sleep. He mined with his brother, side by side until dawn. By then, they had only bumped into one more vein of diamonds, bringing their grand total to 12. By then, Herobrine was practically cursing Notch for making Diamonds so rare. The look on Notch’s face said that he regretted it too.

They just wanted to go home.


SO, a mining chapter! And of course I didn’t say what Notch saw, I don’t want to spoil the whole book. And, to all of you, this book is not as predictable as you think. I’ve had some people say that. And, to LovinglyTragic, my most faithful Wattpad commenter, You will have your LisaBrine, be patient :D

Also, Yeah, there will be a sequel, title to be released later.

Comment with the word 'cupcakes' if you read all of this.



You, Me, and the Blockhead (A Minecraft Fanfic) ~(COMPLETE)~Where stories live. Discover now