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Hero froze, and jumped back. He seemed different, and there was a hasher glow to his eyes, something I had never seen before.

“No! I won’t let you be like the others!” he said angrily, almost as if he was, like, growling at me or something.

“What other ones? What’s wrong?” I asked, completely confused.

“I used to have friends, but there was a curse, on that I’ve always had… It can’t be cured…”

I backed away… I didn’t like where this was going.

“It made me kill them, Lisa. I suggest you run, before I hurt you, too. I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if I did that…”

So I did. I ran. I ran… Straight into my mom at the front door.

“Hi hun! My trip was shorter than expected, Why do you have that look on your face?”

My mom and I were close. We were very close, and I loved her, but she just couldn’t know. I stuttered some excuse about forgetting a project for an excuse to stay in my room all day.

She looked like she didn’t believe me, but went with it anyways.

She let me go up to my room. Another Secret, Another Lie.



I stood in front of the portal. It should have a few uses left, I could just jump in, and run away from the problems, just like I had before.


I couldn’t do that to Lisa again. I stiffly turned around and slammed the closet door on the portal, to find Lisa around the small corner that led from her doorway to the little alcove where the closet was. Where I was currently seated, sitting with my back against the closet doors.

“I’m sorry. The curse can get out of hand at times, but I do my best to keep it under control. I guess I should explain.”

Sorry guys for shortness, but I wanted to get this up ASAP rather than do a page long explination that will take a few more days. Sowwy L

Well, you all probably hate meh now so yeah.



You, Me, and the Blockhead (A Minecraft Fanfic) ~(COMPLETE)~Where stories live. Discover now